A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Saturday Kindergarten Post January 12th, 2014

Happy Saturday!  It’s time for the weekly re-cap of all things Kindergarten Smorgasboard!  Today I get to show you how much learning and fun we crammed into two whole days.  We got an extra 3 days off due to the extreme cold and the damage it did to our school buildings and buses.  Those days were nice but I am so glad to be back with the ‘staches and into a routine!!
We “bounced into a new year” with our 2 days of learning!  We did a lot of review of rules, procedures and reviewing all of our letters, sounds, sight words,shapes and numbers!  We also celebrated the new year!
We did a differentiated counting down activity.  We counted down from 10, 15 and 20 whole group.  Then I gave the ‘staches their own counting down activity to work on.  Those were also differentiated!  We had a blast counting down and each time we did it, we got louder and louder!

This week we also worked on building our friendships and the community in our classroom.  We each took a turn being described by our friends.  The ‘staches used adjectives to describe the things they liked about each friend.   I snapped a picture of each one for use at a later date!  I love this activity because we giggle and have fun while focusing on the things we like about our friends!  I also love the things they come up with!
“really good at drawing ninja turtles” …a necessary friendship requirement.
Fire Drill is truly “hilarious”.
“pretty boots”  All about priorities.
“speaks Spanish” is definitely a plus for friendship!

We also made pictures of ourselves celebrating the new year!  
I had to be extra extra careful cropping the bulletin board picture because it’s in the middle of a top secret project!  All will be revealed VERY soon!

I had to show this off because I am so impressed with the creativity.  I gave everyone the paper and said to make your hair.  Lots of questions later everyone got to work.  This little ‘stache made her hair like this!!!  How smart and creative!!!!  The best part is that she is one of my quieter little ‘staches and her creativity is really starting to blossom!
We wrote our New Year’s resolutions after reading the book Squirrel’s New Years Resolution!  I love the “be nice” resolution.  I wish everyone would make that resolution and stick to it!
And of course, our week ended with Foodie Fun Friday and Mad Science Friday!
We made our own ball drop for a snack!  YUMMY!
And Mad Science this week was epic.  People, we made our own bouncy balls.  I know…it’s just too much!

This experiment is a bit tedious because of the steps and doing it in the right cup, but I’ve done this for 5 years and every year it’s a huge success!
And yes, we did silly hats!  Duh.
Thanks to Miss Kindergarten for these awesome hats!!!


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