A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin’ Sunday: January 13th, 2014

Well, here it is!  Sunday!  The day of rest…unless you’re a teacher and then it’s a day to plan and prepare lessons to fill young minds with wonder and knowledge.  Also known as browsing Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers for far too long!
As always, you can download a copy of my Common Core aligned lesson plans by clicking on the picture.  If you’re interested in the template I use, visit A Teacher’s Plan!  She created the template for me and it’s called THE GREG!
So, let’s get our Snowy Shapes week started!
We kick off the week with one of my favorite books, The Snowy Day!  We will read the story and then we will create a schema map of all of the things we think about snow.  As the week progresses, any of our snow knowledge that we discover to be false, will be moved to the bottom of our map!  Stay tuned for more about this idea in an upcoming post!
We will introduce the letter K by making our K circle map.  The ‘staches will brainstorm K words and Mr. Greg will expertly draw the picture.
And of course, we will have to make a silly hat!  How about a KING hat?
This week in math, we’re spending the week with 2D and 3D shapes.  We kick off our shapes week with a little partner work where each pair of students will get to make a shape person.  We are making shape people for 2D and 3D shapes.
After we make our shape monsters and shape people, we will complete an anchor chart to describe each shape.
I found the idea for the anchor chart on Pinterest.  For the 2D shapes we will identify the shape, the number of sides and corners and what it looks like in our world.  For 3D shapes, we will identify the shape, identify the shape of the face, if it rolls, slides or stacks and real objects that are the same shape!
I will be using these free shape monsters from my TPT store and shape people from Mrs. Plant’s Press 3D shape pack!
We will end our first snowy day with a fun snowman craftivity!
These are too cute when hanging from the classroom ceiling!!  And they’re free!  Just click on the picture below to go to the freebies page and download yours!
Tuesday we continue our snowy shapes week with the story There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow.  After reading the story, we will complete a flow map to sequence the story.
We will re-visit our K circle map.  We will identify the picture, identify the first sound and work together to spell the words.  We will also count the syllables in the words!
In writing, we will write about what kind of clothing we might wear on a snowy day!  And yes, it’s called a toboggan.  It’s a hat you wear on your head and it’s a sled you ride!
In math, we will continue our shapes week with a shape sort.  We will sort 2D shapes first and then 3D shapes.  After our sort, we will use our tangram shapes to practice constructing other shapes.
We will celebrate our snowy fun with these adorable winter buddies from Miss Kindergarten.
Wednesday we will read the non-fiction book, A Snowy Day.  After reading the book, we will discuss non-fiction texts and create an anchor chart for non-fiction books.  Non-fiction/informational text is one of the areas of weakness in our data, so we’re making a big push to bring more of that into our instruction.
This chart is from Joyful Learning In KC!  Be sure to visit the blog for other great ideas!
We will write what we might see outside on a snowy day using a predictable chart.
In math, we will construct and decorate 3D shapes.  Each student will get a cone (snow cone cup), a sphere (styrofoam ball), cube (assembled from a template), cylinder (toilet paper roll) and a pyramid (assembled from a template) and they will get to paint and decorate the shapes after assembling them!
We will paint a snowy scene to use with our snowy day writing.  On a blue piece of paper, students will paint snowy ground and use Q-Tips to paint snow falling from the sky.  When the paint dries, we will put 2 black strips of construction paper over the painting to make it look like a window!
Thursday we will write the book Let’s Look At Winter and discuss what we’ve learned about snow.  We will re-visit our schema map and make sure all of our learning is correct.  We will use this information to write about what we learned about snow.  We will also review the non-fiction text anchor chart!
In math, we will do a shape party!  We will sort 2D and 3D snacks!  First we will sort the snacks by 2D and 3D.  Then we will sort the snacks by shape.  And then we will eat the snacks.  We will also use marshmallows and toothpicks to construct 2D and 3D shapes!
And finally it’s Friday!  We will end our snowy shapes week with the story Snowflake Bentley.  After reading and discussing the story, we will share three facts and a question!  We will review the K sound and review our informational text anchor chart!
We will finish our snowy day writing activity and publish it!
We will do a cut and paste sort to assess our knowledge of shapes!
For Foodie Fun Friday we will make marshmallow snowmen!
Mad Science Friday will be another hands-on mess when we grow our own snow crystals!
Click the picture to download the instructions!
Here is the poem we will be reading this week!  Fell free to download your copy!
Our shape activities and centers will be from my Shapes Mini Pack!  I updated this creation today and doubled it’s size!  It’s on sale today for $2!
Our snow writing, science and center activities will be from my Snow creation!  Over 145 pages of centers, writing, thinking maps and science activities with a fun snow theme!
And guess what?!  It’s only $4 today!!  WHOOP! WHOOP!  It’s a sale!!!
And of course, we’ll be using our Stachin In The Snow centers because my class is obsessed with these centers!

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