A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Saturday Kindergarten Post April 19th, 2014

Welcome to a three week version of The Saturday Kindergarten Post!  True story!  I haven’t had a chance to post all the fun and learning that’s been happening in our class, so I am sharing some of it with you today!!    We’ve had a blast with fables….plants…peeps…chocolate….bowling and a ball pit!
Are ya ready?!
We have been working on subtraction a lot…we’re just struggling a bit.  So Mr. Greg is trying to keep it fresh and engaging.  Bowling sure does make subtracting fun!  It’s a very visual way to see subtraction and it’s fun.  The bowling set was at Wal-Mart for $8.  After we all practiced bowling for subtraction in small groups, we moved it into our math centers!  PERFECT!
Another fun way we have been practicing subtraction is in our ball pit.  I bought these balls at a yard sale years ago and finally put them to use.  I bought a $9 plastic pool at Wal-Mart.  I labeled the balls with subtraction problems and filled the pool.  We sit around the pool and when Mr. Greg says DIVE IN!  We grab a ball and record the answers on our paper!  SUPER FUN!  This also becomes a center and when not used for math, the pool goes into our library for a fun reading spot!

We did some fun chocolate science.  Did it sink or float?  And my favorite, how long did it take a Hershey Kiss to dissolve in our mouth?  We had a blast with the dissolving kisses!
Check out my friend Marie at The Hands On Teacher  for this awesome science pack!
We also did a unit on fables.  We learned some great lessons from Aesop!  We even had a local college perform some our favorite fables for us!  We made fun lion and ant crafts and even a turtle snack!

We’ve been learning how to measure by size and weight.  I love the teamwork when they were measuring by size!  After we did some whole group measuring, we sorted ants by size!  

This was a super fun measuring activity.  We predicted how many snap cubes each object would weigh and then we used our balance to weigh each object.  This was a perfect lesson on estimating and making smart guesses!

I love when science experiments fail.  It’s a great lesson for the ‘staches on how things go wrong and how that is chance to learn.  We tried to make Peep playdough but instead we made a giant peep mess.  It was an epic fail but we had a blast….made a huge mess….and yes, learned a valuable life lesson.  Failure is ok as long as you learn from it!

We’ve been elbow deep in dirt and plants.  We’re tracking our plants growth…we’ve learned parts and needs and the life cycle of plants!

We even read the book Tops And Bottoms and made a salad from all the foods in the book!  We even liked the beets!  

And finally our turtle snack!  Apples and grapes make a cute and tasty turtle!

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