A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: April 13th, 2014

Happy Sunday!  I hope you’re having a great weekend.  The weather here is beautiful.  In fact, it’s almost hot!  We planted some flowers yesterday and enjoyed the neighborhood yard sale with Butters, the CEO.  And now it’s time to work on lesson plans.
Can I just say that while I am excited that we have 7 weeks of school left, I also have this panicky feeling that there is a lot to do in those 7 weeks.  Makes me nervous!  This week is a short week for us.  No school Friday and I have to be out on Tuesday for a district Social Studies meeting.  But, as usual, we’re cramming as much learning into every minute as we can.  So, here we go!
As always, you can download a copy of my plans by clicking on the picture!
This week we will be introducing butterflies and learning more about plants.  We will also be making a big push for subtraction.  I have some super fun games planned for the ‘staches to practice subtraction.  We also have to prepare for our visit from Debbie Clement from Rainbows Within Reach for the most epic school assembly ever!!!!!!
This week we will visit with the letter Qq and make our circle maps.  We will work on our how to writing using Writing Through The Year.  We will be working on re-telling be making flow maps of our stories.  And we will be working in our plant research journals!
Math is all about subtraction.  We will start our subtraction fluency tests.  Test is 30 problems in 5 minutes.  If they do well on test 1, we reduce the time to 3 minutes.  If not, we keep it at 5.
To practice subtraction, this week is all about small groups and games!
We will be bowling!  I found a bowling pin set at Wal-Mart in the Easter section for $8 bucks so I bought it.  We will be bowling some subtraction.   Student will set up some pins and bowl.  We will record the equation on our recording sheet!
Click to download your freebie!
We will also be diving in to the ball pit for some subtraction practice.  Our ball pit willl be a plastic pool from Wal-Mart.  Another $9 purchase.  The balls are the plastic balls from the ball pits.  Get it?! Ball pit subtraction…balls from the ball pits..OK..anyways…I bought them at a yard sale a few years ago for $1 and never did anything with them.  Now…I am putting them to use!
The balls we be in the pool and we will “dive” safely into get a ball.  And by dive I mean we will reach in and grab!  We will write the equation on our recording sheet and solve!
I also found this awesome FREE app for numbers to 100.  It’s called Counting Board.  Students tap a square and it shows a number.  Then they color the number on their sheet.  It’s so awesome.  I whipped up a recording sheet for the app and we now have a new math app for our iPad center!
We will ask be using these resources for math centers to help us practice subtraction:
And since it’s almost Easter, we will make a cute Easter hat and a cute chick creativity!
click the picture to get your free Easter hat!
To make the chick you need two circles, one fairly big and the 2nd slightly smaller.  Glue the smaller circle on top of the larger circle.  You need a cracked egg.  Cut out the egg and glue the chick behind the egg.  Add circle eyes and a triangle beak.  The legs are just strips of orange paper folded like a fan!
And of course, we will be observing our plants and making recordings in our seed journals!  We will also be doing the food coloring and white carnation experiment to understand how plants get water to the entire plant.  I love that experiment!  It’s so cool even for adults!
Did you know the Easter Bunny came early…only he slid in real stealth like…like…like…like…a ninja.  A NINJA BUNNY!  And he put my ninja bunny creation on sale for half off!  $4 for over 100 pages of math and literacy center sweetness.  HIGH YA!

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