A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Five For Friday: GoNoodle and More!

Hello Friday and the end of the longest week EVER.  It seemed like this week was going to go on forever and ever.  I could crawl into bed and sleep…but my plan to take over the world doesn’t allow for that…so onward I go!

I am linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for Five For Friday!

This week our 2-4 grade did their Disney Spectacular.  I got to play the part of the big bad wolf!  Here’s your Fire Drill story of the week:  When the show was performed for the students, FD was terrified of the big bad wolf (never mind that my class was all shouting “MR. GREG!”).  And then when I dove behind the third house to pretend I was going down the chimney she was even more horrified that I really went down the chimney.  After the song was over, I popped up and pulled off my mask.  She threw her arms up in shock that it was me.  The video is nothing but priceless.  That one is one of a kind!
Everyone meet Alex.  You’ve seen him with a glittery mustache over his face for the entire school year!  Now I get to reveal the face behind the glitter.  Alex is my personal assistant.  If I need help he’s on it.  Empty water bottle? Never happens.  The instant the bottle is empty, Alex grabs it and fills it up.  I am going to have to hire him after he moves up to first grade.  Love. this. kid.
I mean, how freakin’ awesome is this?!  A great lesson on adjectives and if you’re having a bad day you’ll feel really good about yourself when your kids describe you.  I mean who doesn’t want to be wobbly sparkly and hairy?!
Check out my awesome mustached glittered personalized cup from my friend Mrs. Hoffer.  She makes awesome personalized cups….mine has my 3 favorite things?  Glitter.  Mustaches.  And ME!  Head over to her blog to check out her cups and get yourself a few!
Mrs. Hoffers Spot
And tell her Greg sent ya!
And finally, who doesn’t love GoNoodle.  If you don’t use it in your class, go sign up right now.  GoNoodle is a free (paid upgrade is an option too!) brain break website.  The 5 minute brain breaks are amazing.  My ‘staches beg to GoNoodle all day long.  It really has helped our behavior and learning….and the cool part is that GoNoodle is our neighbor in Nashville so I have been hanging out with Taylor from GoNoodle.  And they hook us up with sweet swag!  It’s ok to be jealous of our GoNoodle sweatbands.  AND I get to hang out at the GoNoodle headquarters next week!!!  Serioulsy…I am so lucky!
And now a fantastic freebie….Last week I spent the day with my new Kindergarten team planning for next year.  People, we planned our entire year.  And by popular demand, I am sharing our year long plan with you!    Yeah…whole. year. planned.
Click to download!

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