Saturday Kindergarten Post: End of School Year

Happy Saturday!  Can you believe there will only be 2 more Saturday Kindergarten Posts for this school year?!?!  HOLY COW!  9.5 more days for us!
Here is a peek into our classroom this week.  It was a crazy busy week.  Field day, alphabet countdown, practice for our kindergarten program,  a program by our 2-4 graders…assessments…wowza!
Friday was I for ice cream as part of our big end of the year alphabet countdown!  We got to make ice cream sundaes with chocolate, sprinkles and gummy worms.  Mr. Greg even bought us waffle bowls!  MMMM ice cream!

Tuesday was L for our alphabet countdown.  We celebrated with a luau.  We learned the hula dance.  We listened to Hawaiian music and we made this super fun luau beach snack!  We used vanilla pudding, vanilla wafers and a fun umbrella to make a beach scene.  YUM!

I try to keep our schedule as close to normal as possible right up until the end.  The structure helps us contain our excitement for summer.  This week we headed outside for playground subtraction.  We threw a bean bag onto numbers and subtracted!  SUPER FUN!  I’ll be doing a detailed post about this later!  If you want the recording sheet, just click the picture!

This week we had to complete our science fair project.  We had a blast with this one.  We identified our problem (we are too slow on the slide) and we came up with some items that might make us go faster.  We tested our hypothesis and found out we were partly right.  Seriously…epic stuff.  I’m not giving away all the details…I have a post planned for next week with details of this super fun science project!

We also celebrated K for King day!  We were all crowned the KINGS OF KINDERGARTEN!  And Mr. Greg was proclaimed THE KING OF ALL THINGS KINDERGARTEN!  We had a coronation ceremony and everything.  We played the royal fanfare music.  Each ‘stache got to ascend the throne (our stage) and be crowned.  When each ‘stache was crowned the king, we cheered:  “ALL HAIL KING ALEX!”  Of course we changed the names for each child!    Not only did we review K but we now know what it means to have a coronation!  Fun and learning….

And finally, we had field day this week.  Our original day got postponed due to rain.  And let me tell you, the second day should have been postponed.  WE WERE FROZEN!  It was about48 degrees, windy and misty.  We were miserable.  By the end (and we came in early…) the little ‘staches had chattering teeth.  Miserable, people.  But we made the most of it.  We hit the events.  We bounced in the bounce house.  AND WE ARE THE TUG OF WAR CHAMPIONS OF KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!!!!!  It was an epic battle that went on and on.  Both sides were even.  The rope would move a little their way.  And then a little our way.  And finally (probably due to my screaming PULL! PULL!PULL!….allegedly….) we gave a final tug and pulled that other team down!  CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!
I mean, all in all, it was a great week.  We are the kings of kindergarten and tug of war champions.  What more could you ask for?
And I finally my finished my newest Common Core creation!  
100 pages of math and literacy centers (13 different centers with options to use the centers in a variety of ways=lots of choices and lots of learning for the last weeks of school!)
Let’s have a give away!  Leave a comment with a favorite end of the year activity!  I’ll choose a winner tomorrow!

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