A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: May 18th, 2014

Well, here it is.  The final Schedulin Sunday of the school year.  It’s crazy to thing that we are thisssss close to the end of the school year.  YOWZA!
So, there are no lesson plans for the week.  However, I do try to keep things as normal as possible.  We wil have our regular schedule.  We will have centers and word study.  I just don’t write plans becuase things get a bit wonky so we have to be flexible.
I always end our year with one of my most favorite books.  It’s a great story for debate and making valid points.  I just love how excited and into the debate the ‘staches get.  I also love giving them a hard time and play devil’s advocate.
If you don’t have this book, click on the picture to get it.  Seriously….you’ll love this book.
Before we read, we make predictions about the story.  We vote for cow or chicken.
After our debate, we write if we think it’s a cow or chicken and give our reason why.
Seriously, this is a couple of fun days with this book.    Trust me.
Here is a writing and graphing freebie for you!
This week we will be writing about our year in kindergarten.  We write about our favorite part of kindergarten, the most important thing we learned and we write a tip about Mr. Greg for next year’s ‘staches!
I created some chart labels and writing paper.  You can download it for free.  And since you probably don’t want your kids writing about Mr. Greg (although, if they want to, I would love to read it!….just sayin) I am including an editable version.  You will need to download and install the KG Defying Gravity Bounce font (FREE for personal use) from TPT.  You can find it HERE!
Click the picture for your download.  This is all of the labels and writing pages.  This does not include the editable version.
In math, we will be doing lots of centers.  Lots of addition and subtraction.  We will go outside for plaground addition.  See more about that by clicking on the picture.
We will also be doing this super amazing end of the year gift that my friend Katie at Little Warriors shared.
This week we also celebrate some more alphabet countdown fun.
C is for cookies and crazy hair!
F is for flyswatter painting.  Yes, flyswatter painting.
This is a super fun messy art project!  You get different colors of paint.  Have each child choose a color of construction paper.  They dip their flyswatters into paint and SMACK the paper.  FOR REAL!  It’s epic fun.  Epic mess.  And you know my motto:  messy=success!
We also get glitter bombed for the letter G!  True story.  I fill balloons with glitter and sequins.  I hang them from the ceiling.  They each get safety goggles and a push pin.  We count to three and they pop their balloon!  They have no idea what’s inside…but we LOVE IT!
And we have our Kindergarten program Tuesday night….and I have to do Running Records….
And that is our final full week of school.  Commence with the tears…
Ya’ll have to checkout my second creation of the weekend.  This one is something crazy different from my usual creation.  I’ve been wanting to do it for a long time and I figured end of the year/summer would be perfect.
Are ya ready?  It’s my first ever all black line clip art creation.  No color clip art.  No color ink necessary.  I designed this to be printed onto colored paper and colored card stock.  Cheap, quick and easy!  Over 80 pages of math and literacy center activities.  6 centers total.

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