Hello people!!!!  TGIF!!!   People, I love my job.  That is all.
I mean…kids telling you they “wuv” you all day long…being told you’re “the best teacher ever” (um…I’m also the only teacher you’ve had ….but I’ll take it!)…being told you’re “the smartest person in the school…and funny too!”   I mean, what’s not to love?!?!
So here are some fun snapshots from my week….you know, so you can see what happens in the land of the mustache!
This week I presented 8 sessions at The TN K Conference!  It was A BLAST!  But my voice wasn’t happy with me after 2 days and 8 sessions.   It’s a lot harder with grown-ups than 5 year olds.  But I LOVED every minute of it!   I think I’m addicted!   
It was stone soup day in Kindergarten!!!  I love this day!  It’s a powerful lesson on what can happen when we work together!!!!!!   
I also love that the soup “chooses” a special student to get the stone!  Our soup chose our ‘stache who went from zero letters/sounds/no name writing at the beginning to 18 letters and sounds and a beautiful name (and readable handwriting!)….but here’s why I love my class….
When the student held up the stone and I talked about how hard the little ‘stache had worked….my class began chanting his name!  OVER AND OVER AND OVER!  For FIVE MINUTES.  We were so loud the class next door joined in!!!!!  Two classes chanting for a friend and celebrating his hard work!!!    He was so proud!!!!!!!   
What more could you ask for??
This week we also spent a lot of time sharing all of the things we’re thankful for.  I love this list.
Dancing…living…I mean…five year olds thankful for life.  Beautiful.
And how well do my students know me??  When someone asked what I was thankful for, one of my little diva ‘staches says:
“Um, he’s thankful for glitter and mustaches!”

And who doesn’t love a paper plate turkey….that has to be painted….which means we got MESSY!
During this turkey construction project the principal walked in….(picture 13 5 year olds spread out on the floor painting paper plates…laughing…)….he said “Oh my…I’ll keep being principal and you keep teaching kindergaten!”  And he turned and left!  hehe
Again….I love my job!!!!

And how was your week?

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