A dinosaur theme in your classroom is pretty amazing and serious fun.  Plus we learn a lot.  Of course if you’re going to do a dinosaur theme you must do dinosaur snacks!
How about a super fun and easy dinosaur snack for your dinosaur themes and dinosaur units?!
dinosaur snacks
You can munch on dinosaur bones, dinosaur eggs, dinosaur claws…..and wait for it….dinosaur droppings!
Here’s what you need:
 Pretzels=dino bones
Grapes=dino eggs
Nestle Crunch Buncha (or Whoppers)=dino droppings
Bugles=dinosaur claws
 You also need snack bags and lunch bags.
First,  put some of each dinosaur snack into the bags and added the labels.
dinosaur snacks

Then I put the bags into the dinosaur snack bag.

BAM!  Dinosaur snacks!
Finally, ff you’d like the dinosaurs and labels, you can download them for free by clicking on the picture!
These awesome dinosaur toppers are from my sweet and talented Alaskan friend, Teaching In The Tongass!!

  For more dinosaur fun, check out these posts:

kindergarten dinosaur snacks

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