A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: March 2nd, 2015

Howdy ya’ll!!!  Welcome to another riveting, enchanting and fun Schedulin Sunday!   This week there are no lesson plans…because…well…I’m using the same plans from last week!
TRUE STORY!  I’m that teacher.  But honestly…I planned for the whole week last week and we had 3 more snow days.  SO…we’re just going to redo last week!  
If you want to see the plans we are using, you can click HERE!
It’s reading week.  The crazy cat who wears a hat will be making an appearance in most classrooms this week!  
But I’m not a fan of he who shall not be named.  I won’t get all on my soap box, but you can always email if you want to know why I feel the way I do.
BUT we do celebrate reading week.   Of course.
Here are a few ideas from our celebrations!
We have green eggs and ham.  Of course.  You can’t not have green eggs and ham during reading week.  It’s just…wrong.
Then we graph if we liked green eggs and ham or not.
And you know our rule….you can’t celebrate a holiday…or special event…or new unit…without a hat!  So we make Thing 1 and Thing 2 hats.  Super easy.
Red strip for the head.  Then we curl 10-15 blue strips of paper and glue them onto the red strip.  BAM!  Thing 1 and Thing 2 hats!

We read my favorite Dr. Seuss book, The Lorax and discuss how we can love the Earth.
Then we pose with our Lorax mustache. 
Umm…duh…we’re the ‘staches…so a Lorax mustache is a must!
You can get a Lorax mustache template by clicking HERE!
Then we write about what we can do to love the Earth!
We’re also continuing on with our dinosaur unit!
This week we’ll spend Monday talking about dinosaurs in general.
Tuesday we’re going to meet our friend Paul The Paleontologist.
I searched for a good book about paleontologists, but there wasn’t anything good.
So, what’s Mr. Greg to do??  
(click the picture to get your free book!)
After we read the book, we will make an anchor chart to learn all about the tools paleontologists use.
Then, we will use our tools (toothpick, paintbrush, chisel (knife)) to excavate fossils from the dirt
AKA  chocolate chips from chocolate chip cookies!  
This idea came from my friend Ms. Solano at Mrs. Solanos Kindergarten!
The rest of dinosaur week will be spent learning about specific dinosaurs:  triceratops, tyrannosaurus rex and apatosaurus.  
In math, we’re working on subtraction and solving word problems.
We will do whole group practice.  I project story problems on the Promothean board and we use our white boards to write the equation and solve the problem.
Then we do some individual practice.
And that’s pretty much our week!!!!  
Here’s a crazy cat graphing freebie for you too!  I made it in color and blackline!!!  
If you’re interested in our activities and centers for the week, check out these creations!

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