Here’s a truth from Mr. Greg, about Mr. Greg….about Valentine’s Day!
Mr. Greg does not do Valentine’s Day.  Never have.  I think it’s silly.  It’s soooo much pressure on people…for one day.  We always watch a scary movie and have pizza.  No biggie.
Anyways…it’s also the wildest day in kindergarten.  Worse than Halloween and Christmas.  I’m not sure what it is about Valetine’s…but it’s a cray cray day.
But we still heart it up in mustache land!!!  So I wanted to share some ideas with you for the week of love!
Candy heart estimating!  We talk about estimating being a “smart” guess.  We estimate how many candy hearts we can hold.  Then we grab candy hearts and count.  We see if we were even close!  We had so much fun with this today!!!!!


We also do a tree map about Valetine’s Day!


We read The Day It Rained Hearts and do this super cute art project and math project to practice making 10!  I found the plain and glitter hearts at the Dollar Tree (teacher heaven!) and bout about 1000 of them.  They were super fun for this activity!  I love that it is art and math and literacy!!!  See..art is common core!!!!


This idea was inspired by Mrs. Lee’s Kindergarten!
We also HEART nouns!  We make torn paper hearts.
Then we list nouns on 6 hearts and make a fun noun mobile!
We do nouns every Friday in our morning message so we’re very familiar with nouns!  We brainstorm a list of nouns and we can use those nouns or come up with our own nouns.
Art and literacy skills…art is common core!
Of course, there is some science!  Candy heart science.  We hypothesize (hello vocabulary!) about what happens to hearts in water, soda and vinegar.  Next we decide if they will sink or float and if they will dissolve or not.  Then we  record our predictions on a class chart.  We observe the hearts all day long and draw our results on our recording sheet at the end of the day!


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We make love bugs for our Valentine’s bags!


We wish you a HOPPY Valentine’s Day with our mustache frog!
And of course, we make a silly hat!   We use heart stickers on a sentence strip and giant hearts on pipe cleaners!  Fun, simple love bug hats!

 Valentine’s Day Gift

And finally, how about a fun, easy and CHEAP gift for the ‘staches!
This was a Pinterest inspired idea….but for the life of me I cannot find the pin to give credit.  If it was you, let me know so I can shout you out.
HOW FUN!  SOCKS.  I go to Wal-Mart and find these 6 packs of neon socks.  I give each ‘stache a pair of socks and a little cup with a pencil, eraser and some mustache goodies!
SOCK IT TO ME!  Seriously…cuteness overload!
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