It has finally happened!!!  Mr. Greg got a GoPro camera!   
So, what’s a GoPro you ask?  It’s the little camera that you see mounted on drones and cars and bicycles and now…kindergarteners!
I bought my GoPro at Amazon!  (Click the picture to see for your self!)
So today, I strapped the GoPro onto my pal DogPound for our morning meeting.   When I asked him mom if it were ok, she said was a little scared for ME!  DogPound says:  “Oh, whatever.  Now I get to be the videographer!”  
It is quite eye opening to see your teaching from the true perspective of your students!!
Now, remember…a 5 year old is wearing the camera…so hold on tight!
Also, turn your volume up.  The sound is low.  I’m still figuring this out…
So, today was our first day back from our spring break.  This is our normal morning meeting routine, so this is what a “typical” morning meeting looks like for us!   Because typical and kindergarten totally go together!

What do you think?  How would you like to see me use the GoPro in my classroom?  Leave me a comment and share your ideas!!!

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