A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: March 29th, 2015

Well, spring break has come to an end.  No more lazy days of using my 35,678 plastic eggs to make new hippopatamuses (centers/workstations).   No more roaming around in my pajamas.   Yeah…pajamas.  I sleep in those.    No more trips to Sonic with the doodles.  But I’m super excited to get back to my little ‘staches!  We have a CRAZY two months planned.  Countdowns…space unit…beach day…It’s going to be epic!
So here is our short but busy (it’s like me…short and always busy) three day week!
As always, feel free to download my lesson plans by clicking on the picture!
This week we are wrapping up our weather unit and celebrating a bunny who brings chocolate and eggs!!!!!!   EASTER!!!!
Our read alouds for the week!
We’re going to wrap up our vowels this week with our magic E circle maps!
Here are some glittery circle map labels if you’d like them!
We will read The Cloud Book and learn four basic types of clouds.  Then we will make cloud people!

We will also write about what our cloud looks like and make a chart of all of the things a cloud can look like!  I love these types of brainstorming activities because it’s just fun to see what the ‘staches come up with!
In math, we are going to DIVE IN AND SUBTRACT with some BALLIN’ SUBTRACTION!
Plastic pool?  Check.
Ball pit balls?  Check.
Super fun, super giggly, super engaing subtraction lesson?  CHECK AND CHECK!
I labeled the balls with subtraction equations to 10. 
We “dive in” grab a ball, write and solve!!!    
We do this whole group and during center time!  EPIC fun!!!!
We’re also kicking off our addition and subtraction fluency timed tests.  We do 5 minutes with 25 problems for addition.  We do those for 2 weeks and then move down to 3 minutes for a week and the last week we do 1 minute.  I am always AMAZED at how much they increase their fluency by the end of the 1 minute week!!!   I also love that they have so much fun.  Last year, they begged for the tests each day!    We track our data with a data wall and with a graph!  They love seeing their growth!
After addition in April, we move to subtraction in May!
We will also be graphing jelly beans and graphing our BUNNY BITES!  
Click the picture to get your free jelly bean graphing sheet!
I’m SUPER STOKED for this one.  I bought each ‘stache a little chocolate bunny.  We’re going to open the bunnies, take 1 bite from his ears, nose, front leg or his tail.  Then we’re going to graph which place we bit first!
Click to get your freebie!  (Graph labels, name tags and a recording sheet!)
Meeting Common Core standards with a fun, engaging activity that involves eating chocolate!
We’re also making Easter Chicks and of course, a hat1
The chick is a fun follow directions project.  We out 2 circles for the chick.  Then we cut an oval and cut it to look like an egg.  Add eyes, legs and a beak!  BAM!   Cute chicks to hang from the ceiling!

Click the picture to get your free pieces for an fun Easter hat!
Here is an emergent reader and a poem for the week!  Click each picture for your freebies!
Our centers, resources and activities come from these creations!

AND!  If you’re in the local area (Nashville/Middle Tennessee) then get ready!!!  I am going to be doing 3 professional development sessions at my school.   They will happen on April 13, April 20 and April 27th.  Each session will start at 4:15 and last approximately an hour.  THEY ARE FREE and EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!
April 13-Classroom Management
April 20-Centers/Workstations
April 27-Technology
If you’re coming, please fill out the Google Doc so we know approximately how many people are coming!  
Spread the word!  Tell your friends!  Bring your whole team!

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