It’s Schedulin Sunday here at the Kindergarten Smorgasboard World Headquarters!
People…this week is CRAZY! And I mean cray cray!
Parties…field trip…visitors…Halloween….plus you know, that learning stuff that is supposed to happen! So let’s just jump right into our funtastic week!
As always you can download our weekly plans by clicking on the pictures below!
This week we’re finishing up our bat research units! We’ll be talking about where bats live and what they eat. We’ll be making a brace map showing the parts of the bat. We’ll graph if we think bats are creepy or cute.
We’re making paper plate bats!
We paint two plates black. One plate is cut in half to make the wings! Super fun and messy! And super easy!

We’re also reading The Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid Of Anything and comparing that story to the Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bat!
This week in writing, we’re working on writing about characters!
We’re also going to write about what we think Mr. Greg will be for Halloween!
Click the picture to see my post about our Halloween writing!
We will read two monster books for Halloween!
Go Away Big Green Monster and Monster Needs A Haircut!
Then we make two fun and easy art projects for the books! Look…we need art in our classrooms so read a book and make art!!!! And you can even add writing to make it “academic”! MORE ART!!!!
I let my ‘staches choose their color! We fold our paper in the middle. I squirt a bit of paint on their paper and they squish it! We add some facial features and BAM! GO AWAY BIG COLORFUL MONSTER!
We also make monster eyes. THESE ARE MY FAVORITE!!!! They’re so easy! And they look so great on the door! Each ‘stache gets to choose their eye color. We have two shades of green, yellow and gray! They cut out the circles and then cut out black circles. We glue them all on the paper plates! Monster eyes.
You can even write: “My monster eyes see…..”
And to go along with our monster eyes, we make monster eyes from eggs!
Click the picture to get your FREE directions and labels for the monster eyes experiment!
This is a 2 day experiment! Place eggs in vinegar. Let them sit overnight.
The next day remove the eggs. Discuss what happened. Sit the eggs in corn syrup and green food coloring. BAM! Monster eyes!
You know your class will think you’re amazing when you turn regular eggs into monster eyes!
In math, we’re learning about position words!
We kick off by making an anchor chart. I write position words on chart paper and draw the lines. The ‘staches then use stickers and place the stickers in the correct place illustrating each position word!
We are also making Kandinsky shapes! Kandinsky does great art where he layers colofrul shapes on top of each other. The staches will get a set of shapes in different colors. I will give them directions using position words. For example: “Place the small blue shape on top of the big green shape!”
Then we will glue the shapes together to make beautiful art!
And of course, some fun Halloween messes and art projects!
Candy corn and ghost painting with our feet!
Halloween measurement!
Spider hats!
Drawing bats using DRAW WRITE NOW BOOKS!
Skeleton Q-Tips!
And of course, freebies!
Roll and count on!
This week we’re using these creations:
And here is my newest QR CODE CREATION! The first 100 Fry Words using QR CODES! Comes with 5 different recording sheets! Click the picture to check it out!
Check out my friend Deedee at Mrs. Wills Kindergarten for her Peek At My Week!