Happy Schedulin’ Sunday!   
It’s Valentine’s Day week…which means lots of sugar…energetic kids…and lots of love!!!
(PS  Valentine’s Day is my least favorite class party….just being real…you see, I think V day is a fake holiday made up to put tons of pressure on people…and sell candy and flowers…how about we just show love every day?!  I mean for real.  And the kids…well, they’re just unable to control their sugar fueled excitement!   But it’s all good because we’re having fun!)
As always, you can download my weekly lesson plans by clicking on the picture!

This week is all about peace and love and place value!   OK…it’s all Valentine’s Day and place value!  And Mr. Greg is his happy place of peace!  And it’s a short week for me because I’m off to the Ron Clark Academy Thursday and Friday!

We will be reading lots of Valentine’s Day books!  
I have to admit…the Zombie In Love and Crankenstein are my favorite!
We will read There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Rose and work on our sequencing skills using a flow map.
We will read Crankenstein and complete a story map.
We will read Roses Are Pink and work on problem/solution!
We will read The Day It Rained Hearts and make a I HEART NOUNS art project to practice nouns!
After reading the story, we review what nouns are.  Then we make a list of people, places and things.  The ‘staches make the large heart with torn paper.  They cut out 6 hearts and label those with nouns.  They can use nouns from our list or they can write their own!
We do a tree map using our 5 senses to describe Valentine’s Day and use that to write about Valentine’s Day!
In math, we’re working on place value!
We already use tens and ones in our daily calendar routine so we’re familiar with the concept.  We will review 10s and 1s (rods and cubes) and then we will play a game to match the picture of rods and cubes to the number!
We will use manipulatives to build numbers
We will get independent practice with some cut and paste activities!
And our assessment will be these super easy flap books.  
You can have them already programmed with the numbers or students can write the numbers themselves.  They can open the flap and DRAW the rods and cubes!  
We will practice making 10 with our raining hearts!  Foam stickers, students cut out their own umbrellas and practice making 10 by counting how many hearts on in the umbrella and how many are outside of the umbrella!
Of course, there is lots of Valentine’s Day fun happening this week (and next!)
Puppy Love craft!   He’s made out of hearts!  All hearts and then we write about what we love!
We make a HOPPY Valentine’s Day frog and write about what we love!
We will do candy heart science.  Predictions…experiments…outcomes…candy!
Click the picture to get your free candy heart science recording sheet!
We will use our candy hearts to practice estimating!  
How many candy hearts can you hold?!
Click the picture for your download!
Of course, we make a hat!  It’s a requirement!
And for a fun gift, the ‘staches get socks!
The best part??  THEY GO CRAZY FOR THE SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day week!  May the odds be ever in your favor!
And because it’s V-day and a big giant love fest, how about freebies?!
Here are the resources and creations we’ll be using this week!

AND all of my creations are 20% today and Monday (Feb. 7-8)!


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