labeling writers workshop writing

We have been busy labeling all the things in our classroom!   LABEL ALL THE THINGS!

One of the first things we learn to do in writer’s workshop is label our pictures.  We know that good writers use labels to help tell their story and give information.

Labeling The Classroom

Our first lesson on using labels is to label the classroom.  We don’t use pre made labels for our classroom.  Instead the students make the labels using Post It Notes and Sharpies.   We do this using our sounds!  So not only are we labeling the classroom, we’re practicing letters and sounds!    The students choose what to label and I give the sounds for each letter and the students tell the letter!   After making the label, the students gets to take the label and label the item!  To see a blog post and video of this labeling activity, click the images.



Labeling Mr. Greg

After we label the classroom, we get to label Mr. Greg.  I pre-made some labels using super sticky Post It Notes so they’ll stick to my beautiful face.   The ‘staches take turns reading a label and labeling me!



Draw And Label

After we label Mr. Greg we draw a picture of Mr. Greg and label him!  I am very impressed with how well I turned out.  Especially the colors of my hair and outfit!


Self Portraits

After we drew and labeled Mr. Greg, we realized we needed to work on drawing people a little bit.  We did a directed drawing of a person and made self portraits.  I LOVE how these turned out!   They all did such a great job with the details!

self-portraits-1self-portraits-4 self-portraits-2

And finally we made an anchor chart to remind us what a label is and how it helps us be good writers!


(Thanks Eberharts Explorers for the inspiration for the anchor chart!)

Check out this video of our labeling the teacher lesson!

Check out Writing Through The Year for a year long writing curriculum that will make teaching writing simple and effective!


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