Counting To 100: Stackign Cups

counting to 100

Counting to 100 and counting numbers to 100 can be a challenge for many of our students. We have the goal that by the 100th day of school, everyone will be able to count to 100. Then, we work on writing and recognizing numbers to 100. 100 cups is a great way to work on numbers to 100 and counting to 100 in a STEM challenge! It’s fun and hands-on. Plus, we’re getting to build things!

100 cups counting to 100

Counting To 100:  Stacking Cups Materials

All you need are some Solo cups and labels with numbers to 100.  Of course, you’ll want 100 Solo cups because it won’t be 100 cups with 99 cups….just saying!  I got my cups at Wal-Mart and it cost me like $8.  

Counting To 100: Making 100 Cups

100 cups is easy to create.  Print the labels.  My labels are designed for AVERY shipping labels (AVERY 18163).  I chose this size so they would be big and bold and easier to see!

counting to 100


counting to 100

Place the labels on the cups. The cups should be turned upside down before you put the labels on. This allows the cups to be stacked.

Students start with 1 and build and stack while we count to 100. The challenge is trying to figure out how many cups go on the bottom row so you end up with the number 100 at the very top. This isn’t required but it’s a good critical thinking skill. It’s fun to see how the kids stack the cups in unique ways!

100 cups

kindergarten math lessons for counting to 100

counting to 100 in kindergarten

100 Cups Labels

To get your free labels, click the image below!

counting to 100
100 cups

Grab this 100th Day of School resource for all your 100th day ideas and resources!

For more ideas, check out these blog posts:


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