100th Day Of School Activities

The 100th Day Of School is always a highlight of our year!  That day is a milestone for us because we’ve been learning and laughing for 100 days!  In our classroom, we celebrate the entire day with nonstop 100th-day-of-school activities!  That means lots of learning, meeting standards, dressing up, eating, and laughing!

100th day of school activities

100th Day Of School Resources

These 100th-day-of-school creations include everything you need for your 100th-day celebration!  Hats, writing, chart labels, decorations, and more.  NOTE:  The content of these two resources is the same.  The fiesta has a fiesta theme while the 100th Day Of School is a generic theme with stars.

100th Day Of School Hats

Our 100th day of school starts with our favorite 100th day of school hats!  Over the years, we have tried various ways to make these hats.  Here’s what works best:  your students will need ten strips with 10 boxes on each strip.  The strips are included in our 100th-day resources.  The boxes are a must!  Print the strips on cardstock.

strips of stickers for 100th day of school activities

Set up ten stations in a circle around the classroom, but make sure to leave plenty of room for kids to work.   At each station, place a different kind of mini sticker.  You can get them in bulk on Amazon.  Assign 1-2 students to a station.  They put 10 stickers on their strip and hold the strip up.  When everyone is ready, we move to the next station.  As we rotate, we’re going around the circle.

When finished, we have ten strips of ten stickers.  I staple the strips onto sentence strips and fit them to the kid’s heads!

100th Day Of School Ideas: Writing

Of course, we are meeting standards during our day-long 100th-day-of-school celebration!     We write what we want 100 of and what we don’t want 100 of.  But first, we do a turn and talk to share our ideas.  This helps build language and build confidence!

100th day of school writing ideas
100th day of school writing ideas

We also write what we would buy with $100!

100th day of school activiites

We write 100 words!  For our 100-word writing activity, we choose ten categories.  Then, we wrote ten words for each category!  The kids provide the words, and I write them.  You can also make this a more phonics-based activity and write 100 words we can decode!  Students can segment, spell, and read 100 words!

100th day of school lesson plans
100th day of school

Another great idea is to have students come up with 100 reasons why they love kindergarten (or your school!).  This might be done by pairing classes and creating multiple displays!  We write the kid’s ideas on hearts and make a giant 100 in the hallways!

celebrating the 100th day of school

We write about what we might be like when we’re 100. If you’re going to write about being 100 years old, you have to look the part!  We use the Aging Booth app on our phones to make the kids look 100!  Can we say adorable and HILARIOUS!? This is one of my favorite 100th-day-of-school activities!

writing lessons for kids
writing ideas for kids

100th Day Of School: Math

Who doesn’t like chocolate?!  And a lot of chocolate?!  Our math lesson for the 100th day of school involves 100 Hershey Kisses!   True story.

100th day of school math games

First, I label 100 stickers with numbers 1-100.  Put the stickers on the bottom of the Hershey Kisses.  Hide the Kisses around the classroom.  Place number cards on a surface to make a giant 100 chart. The number cards are included in our 100th day of school resources.

100th day

Students find a  Hershey Kiss.  They bring it to me, identify the number, and place the Kiss on the correct number card.  We continue until we find all 100 Kisses!

100th day of school activities
counting to 100
kindergarten math games

TRUE STORY!  HIDE THE KISSES SO YOU CAN FIND THEM ALL.  Every year, we end up with 96 Kisses, and the last few remain elusive.  Usually, we stumble on them a few weeks or months later!   Last year was the FIRST YEAR EVER that we found all 100 Kisses!  So, may the odds ever be in your favor.

100th Day Of School Collections

The 100th-day-of-school collections are a great way to engage families in our 100th-day-of-school activities and celebrations!  Again, this is something we’ve done in several different ways, and I’ve finally found something that I like:  let the families do the project however they want!  We send home a note explaining the project.  We provide images of examples, and we also explain that they can Google ideas!  This makes it easier for everyone!  Families can do what works for them!

100th day of school collections

100th day of school

100th Day Of School Snacks

You cannot celebrate without food!  Any good host or hostess knows this.  So, of course, we have 100 snacks!  We get 10 pieces of 10 different snacks so we’re practicing counting by 10s!

100th day of school snacks

We also make 100th Day Stew, which is a fun twist on the 100-snack idea—and it’s so much faster!

You use 10 “ingredients”.   Pour them into a large tub lined with a trash bag.  Once all of the snacks are in, you shake the bag.  Then, I put a cup of stew into a Zip-Loc bag for each kid.  Before they could eat the stew, they had to sort the food!   

100th day of school snacks

snack ideas for the 100th day of school

We also give the kids a 100 made from cookies!  This is a gift to go home at the end of the day!

100th day of school snacks

100th Day Of School Certificates

Of course, you need to document the fact that you are 100 days smarter with an official 100th-day certificate!

100th day of school activities

And finally, no 100th-day celebration is complete with math and literacy centers.  And if you’re going to celebrate the 100th day of school, you must include Rose, Dorothy, Sophia, and Blanche!  Yes, folks, the Golden Girls help us celebrate!  Check out our Granny Turns 100 blackline centers for the 100th day of school!

100th day of school activities


For more ideas and resources, check out these blog posts:

100th day activities

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