Word Families, Addition, And Apples: Schedulin’ Sunday

This week we’re continuing our Apple Research Project and learning about word families as well as introducing addition. Yeah, that’s right!  Keep reading to see how!  Click the image to download my lesson plans!

word families lesson plans

 This week we’re continuing our Apples Research project!  We’ve learned so much about apples already so I’m excited for apple week 2!

apples research project

We will review  our apple  schema map and add new learning!     As we learn about apples, we add all of our new learning and address misconceptions!


For the research part of our apples research project, we do a read aloud and record all of our information on our thinking maps and class charts!  The students then record the information in their apple research journal!  This week we’re doing a tree map, labeling the parts of an apple and learning the apple life cycle!

On Tuesday we will learn about Johnny Appleseed and do a directed drawing of Johnny!  Happy Birthday, Johnny Appleseed!

apple tree map

We are reading these books this week:

For more apple fun check out this post!  (Tons of ideas, pictures and freebies!)


This week we continue with our TKS BOOTCAMP CURRICULUM and  kick off WORD FAMILY BOOTCAMP and learn to use our sounds from ABC BOOTCAMP to read and write word families!   This is when we apply ABC BOOTCAMP to blending words and reading and writing words!

tks bootcamp curriculum

word families word family bootcamp

Word Family BOOTCAMP works a little differently than ABC BOOTCAMP in that we do each of the word families for 2 days instead of 1.  Day 1 is a circle map where we come up with words for the word families and day 2 is when we build the words and write the words.  We do 2 word families each week.  Friday is a word family sort for an assessment!

Check out this blog post to see a video of WORD FAMILY BOOTCAMP in action!

We’re not done yet!   This week we’re also learning to draw people and add labels to our writing!   We do this in a HILARIOUS way!  The students label Mr. Greg!  And then they draw Mr. Greg and add labels to their drawing.  The next day they draw a self portrait and label themselves!

using labels in our writing

Foodie Fun Friday

 This week’s Foodie Fun Friday will be an apple tasting party!  We will have apple pie, apple cider, apple juice and applesauce!

apples kindergarten

Apple Freebies!

Visit our apple post to get all of these great freebies!

apples emergent reader apple poem kindergarten

Math-Addition To 5!

This week we are introducing addition.  Yes.  We introduce addition this early.  Yes the kids get it.  And then we practice addition each quarter until we can fluently add to 10 and add to 20!   

We introduce addition simply as put together.  We start with fingers.  Mr. Greg says “hold up 1 finger.  Hold up 2 more fingers.  How many fingers do you have?”   That’s addition!  On day 2 we do the same thing with manipulatives.

This year, we’re also going to use APPLES to help us add to 5!  We will read Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins.ten apples upon top

Then each student will pick a number card (0-5).  They will use red and green apples to make that number.  Mr. Greg will take a picture!

The next day, we will do a similiar apple activity using red and green paper apples!

And that’s how we introduce addition as put together!

 This week’s Mad Science Thursday is Rainbow Skittles!

This week’s Mad Science is a fun one!  We make rainbows using Skittles and water!

kindergarten science lessons

All of our science experiments are available in our Mad Science creation!

This week is also our very first field trip!  We’re heading to the pumpkin patch and the farm!   Everyone gets a pumpkin from the farm and when we return to school we cut open our pumpkins and plant a flower inside!

These are the creations we are using in our classroom this week!


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