Yes, I know it’s not Sunday…but it’s the day before we return to school so it’s time to start planning….so that means it’s Schedulin’ Sunday or Monday!  This week we return from our holiday break with a short 3 day week which means we are celebrating the Happy New Year and focusing on procedures, routines and expectations!

kindergarten lesson plans

 This week we will be thinking about New Year’s resolutions.  We will learn what resolutions are and we will make our own resolutions. Then we will  write about our resolutions.  We are using our Happy New Year creation and our new READ IT UP creation this week. 

 We will read the book, Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolution to help us on our Happy New Year adventure!

kindergarten new year lessons

squirrel's new year's resolutions lesson plans happy new year


Then we will have a class HAPPY NEW YEAR PARTY!!!!!  Yes.  A New Year party with your class.  Complete with a countdown, balloon drop, party hats and a sparkling toast!

I know a lot of people do a Noon Year’s day party at noon with their class and I love that idea.  BUT our schedule doesn’t allow for that because we’re not in the room at noon.  PLUS, I like to do our party at the end of the day so we can celebrate and get WILD and then go home!

class new year party FREE NOON YEAR'S PARTY IDEAS


For more on our class New Year party, check out this post!

noon year party

We also celebrate the new year by BOUNCING INTO THE NEW YEAR  by making our own bouncy balls!

kindergarten science lessons

For directions to make your own bouncy balls, check out this post:

kindergarten science

This week we continue with our TKS BOOTCAMP CURRICULUM with  Vowel FAMILY BOOTCAMP!  We spend a week on each vowel.  We start with short and long vowels by sorting and listening to identify the vowel sound.  Then we move to our circle map.  Next we do word building and reading and finally word writing!  This week we’re reviewing short and long vowel sounds and working on writing CVC-E words!

vowels kindergarten

Check out this blog post to see a video of VOWEL BOOTCAMP in action!


Happy New Year Freebie:

new year's day freebies

Foodie Fun Friday:  Happy New Year Ball Drop Snack!

If you’re celebrating the new year in your class, then you have to have a ball drop.  So why not make it a ball drop snack?!

happy new year snack 


Math-Comparing Numbers-Greater Than/Less Than

This week we are comparing numbers and determining which number is greater than or less than!  Honestly, we don’t spend much time on this because the students grasp the concept quickly.  And we practice the skill during our daily calendar time!

kindergarten comparing numbers


First, we use our SmartBoard and our arms to show the number that’s greater than or less than!

comparing numbers kindergarten


We also do a higher order thinking activity with greater than less than. Students must sort greater than/less than statements by deciding if they are true or false!

greater than less than kindergarten

For more fun comparing number ideas, check out this post!


This week we’re using these resources in our class this week:

class noon year party

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