Happy Schedulin’ Sunday! This week we’re reading Doctor DeSoto to work on character traits and continuing Vowel Bootcamp! We’re also continuing learn about number bonds and decomposing numbers and researching and writing about influential African Americans using our Black History Month Research Project.
Doctor DeSoto Lesson Plans
Here are our lesson plans for the week! Simply click the image to download our lesson plans for Decomposing Numbers, Black History Month, Doctor DeSoto and more!
AND….our lesson plans are now clickable! You can click on any book or resource and go directly to that creation or book!
Black History Month Research Project
This week we are starting our Black History Month Research Project. For this research project, we read about the person, complete a graphic organizer and then write about the person. We also draw a picture of the person. We focus on people with ties to Tennessee so we’re meeting our state standards. This week we’re learning about Oprah and Wilma Rudolph because of their ties to Tennessee. We’re also learning about Jackie Robinson and Benjamin Banneker.

For more information on our Black History Month Research Project, check out this blog post:
If you’re looking for resources for President’s Day, check out these two resources to use in your classroom:

Vowel Bootcamp
Then we are continuing Vowel Bootcamp! Our focus is on CVC-E words. We do one vowel a week. Monday is a circle chart, Tuesday is word building, Wednesday is word writing in whole group using whiteboards. Thursday the students do word writing on their own. Friday students do a word/picture match.

For small group work, we use our Vowel Bootcamp decodable readers!

For more on Vowel Bootcamp, including videos of Vowel Bootcamp in action, check out this post:
Read It Up: Doctor DeSoto
This week we are reading Doctor DeSoto and using Read It Up! Doctor DeSoto We’re focusing on character traits, retelling and making connections. We will do a story map, and write about the character trait that best describes us.

For more February and Valentine’s Day read-alouds, check out this post:

For more on our Read It Up! comprehension resources, check out this post:
Math: Decomposing Numbers
This week we’re starting to work on decomposing numbers with number bonds using Math It Up: Number Bonds.
To introduce decomposing numbers and number bonds, we always start with our giant number bonds on the floor lesson! This is a great introductory activity that always helps the kids solidify their understanding of the concept!

We make a giant number bond on the floor with a Sharpie. The students become the manipulatives and we move our bodies to practice decomposing numbers.
Then we move to working on number bonds independently using our giant number bonds.
For more lessons and ideas for number bonds and decomposing numbers, including videos of our number bonds lessons in action, check out this post:
Foodie Fun Friday
This week’s Foodie Fun Friday will be making a stop light and learning about Benjamin Banneker.

For more hands-on science experiments, check out our Mad Scientists Creation!
FREE Poem And Emergent Reader

These are the creations we are using this week: