
Schedulin Sunday: Past And Present, The Day It Rained Hearts And Blends

This week we have our 100th day of school (it was postponed due to snow), we’re working with counting collections and counting to 20, reading The Day It Rained Hearts, and working with digraphs!

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Phonics And Phonemic Awareness: Blends Bootcamp


We are following our required foundational skills curriculum. And we are supplementing with our TKS BOOTCAMP Blends Bootcamp! Our foundational skills curriculum really starts to focus on segmenting, word chaining, blending, and writing words using blends and digraphs. This is exactly what we do with our science of reading-aligned Blends Bootcamp! Each week we do two blends. Day 1 is a circle chart that includes segmenting sounds, spelling words, and blending words. Day 2 is word building and writing which is more segmenting, more spelling, and more blending with a focus on writing the words so we’re mapping the sound to the spelling.

We also use our decodable texts in small groups to work on the skills in text.

This week we are doing digraphs!

We’re also doing a lot of word chaining with CVC words and blends. Word chaining is when you change one sound to make new words. This phonics activity is one of the best for helping students blend and write words and understanding how words work. For these lessons, we’re using our Digital Word Building resource! This resource includes a PowerPoint file and a Google Slides file so it can be used on any device!

READ IT UP! The Day It Rained Hearts

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and there’s no better book than The Day It Rained Hearts!

We will work on story elements with story maps and sorting nouns!

We will also be making some Valentine’s Day art projects!

Heart collages-students will use different sizes and colors of hearts to make a collage

Bubble wrap hearts-students will paint bubble wrap and then press a paper heart onto the paper!

We’re also doing a fun STEM activity with candy hearts! Students work together to stack the hearts as high as they can!

Math-Counting to 20

This year our district is using Illustrative Math as our math curriculum. We will be completing those lessons and supplementing them heavily with our Math It Up! creations. This week the curriculum is about counting to 20 which my students do so we will do some very quick mini-lessons and our focus will be on small groups!

We will be using the frames to count to 20. We will also be doing counting collections!

We will also be playing a new game. Stay tuned for a video. Here’s how we play. We will have numbers printed on paper and ten frames printed on paper. The numbers will be lined up on one side. The ten frames on the side. One student will stand by a number. The second student will go stand by the correct ten frames!

Reading Comprehension: Past And Present

We are starting module 3 of our required curriculum. Our new module is about life in the past and present. This week we’re reading the book School Then And Now and When I Was Young In The Mountains. We are using our Read It Up and Explore It Up resources to supplement our curriculum.

We are reading School Then And Now and doing a notice and wonder chart about the book.

We will be generating questions about the book, identifying the main idea and details, and collecting text evidence to compare today and the story. My class always loves this book and they love learning how people live in different ways. They’re also slightly obsessed with the outhouse!

100th Day Of School (AGAIN!)

Our 100th day was supposed to be Friday but we had a snow day so we are now partying on Monday!

Monday, February 6 is our 100th day and we are partying all day long!

We start off our day with the book Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For The 100th Day Of Kindergarten! Then we write 100 words!

Next we make a 100th day of school hat! The strips with boxes are included in our 100th-day resources. After 15 years of making these hats, the boxes on the strips save my sanity. They really make the hats easier. For the strips, we use mini reward stickers. That’s it. In the past we’ve done stamps, fingerprints, etc but again, to save my sanity, the stickers are the way to go. We arrange everything in a circle around the room and the kids rotate from station to station until their hat is done!

For math, we go on a Hershey Kiss hunt. I label 100 kisses with numbers to 100 and hide them around the room. We make a giant 100 chart using the number cards in our 100th-day creations. Students find the Kisses, identify the number and place the kiss on the correct number card to build a 100 chart. And trust me, you probably won’t find all the kisses. There will be 2 or 3 missing for months and then they will turn up!

And finally, we eat 100 snacks! We have 10 pieces of 10 different snacks!

Morning Meeting

Greeting-high five-students high five each other!

Activity-pass the plate-students use clothespins to pass a paper plate! (video recorded in 2022 when masks were required. Masks are no longer required.)


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