Easter Activities, Addition, Subtraction, And Rainbows: Schedulin’ Sunday

lesson plans and easter activities

Week 29 of kindergarten is a short week, and this week is all about Easter activities, rainbows, addition and subtraction, phonics, and more! We’re also focusing on some behavior issues we’ve been experiencing.


You can get our lesson plan templates here:

weekly lesson plans and templates


We follow a required foundational skills curriculum and supplement it with our TKS BOOTCAMP resource, especially for extra practice and small group work! Our curriculum has switched to blends, digraphs, and double consonants, so we are using Blends Bootcamp. Our TKS BOOTCAMP curriculum works with ALL curriculums or as a stand-alone resource! This week, we are using Blends Bootcamp and Word Family Bootcamp to focus on words with beginning and ending digraphs, blending and decoding words, writing words, reading decodables, and lots of word chaining!

science of reading phonics lessons

Blends Bootcamp is about using the sounds we learned in ABC BOOTCAMP to read words. We do two blends a week for five weeks, focusing on using all the sounds to decode, spell, write, and read words.

Our focus is on digraphs and CVC words. We’re practicing blending, segmenting, spelling, and writing words. We’re also playing soring and other games to focus on hearing the digraphs.

weekly lesson plans for phonemic awareness

One of our go-to activities is sorting pictures to differentiate the sounds!

Blends Bootcamp is an all-inclusive resource aligned with the science of reading! It includes whole-group lessons, small-group lessons, decodable readers, and centers!

word family activities

Phonics: Word Mapping

We will also use our Word Mapping mats during this time to work on our segmenting, spelling, and reading words! These have been a true game changer for my kids, especially those struggling with segmenting sounds and spelling words!

weekly lesson plans for phonics

We’re also using our Digital Word Building Resource to do word chaining to work on blending CVC words!

word chaining resources
word chaining lesson plans

We also used our glitter letters clipart to make glitter letter cards, and we’ve been using these cards in whole groups and small groups. The kids LOVE them! (This is CLIPART. You must insert the letter clipart into a document to make letter cards!)

phonics lessons

We will also be doing our carrot words lesson! My class LOVED this activity so we’re going to do it more and more!

Sight Word 60

weekly lesson plans for sight words

This week, we’re reviewing all of our words!

science of reading sight words instruction
teaching sight words

Easter Activities: Reading: Easter Books!

We’re reading books about Easter, bunnies, and eggs this week!

First up is How To Catch The Easter Bunny! We love these books for sequencing, vocabulary, and predictions!

spring read alouds

Our next book is Turkey’s Eggcellent Easter! My class loves this series with the turkey and his disguises!

easter read alouds for kids

With this story, we do a story map, and we discuss the real parts of the story and the fantasy parts of the story!

easter activities and books

Patterns Lesson Plans: Math

Our district has adopted a new math curriculum (AGAIN!), so we’re trying to figure it out because it’s a lot, and it’s not aligned with our state standards, so there’s that. We’re using the curriculum and supplementing it with our MATH IT UP! and TKS BOOTCAMP curriculums.

We’re shifting gears a bit this week because my class rocked patterns last week. We used our new Math It Up! Patterns resource, and by the end of the week, they could identify, name, extend, and create patterns. So, instead of more patterns, we will spend the week focused on addition and subtraction because that is a major area of weakness for my kids! This week we’re practicing addition and subtraction using cars!

I love these math resources because who doesn’t love playing with cars? These lessons are hands-on and interactive! We’re working with equations, solving equations and understanding how to add and subtract!

We’re also still working on numbers and counting in small groups, so we’re using our Game It Up! Numbers And Counting To 20! The kids love these games, and they’re perfect for small groups!


This week we’re also going to learn about rainbows! I love this unit because kids love rainbows and we love learning the science behind rainbows!

We start with a schema map and share what we know about rainbows. Next, we do our research with read-alouds and videos. And finally, we will do a can/have/are chart and label rainbows!

Our weather unit will use our Weather Research Project!

Easter Activities: Art Projects

This week, we’re doing some fun rainbow and Easter art projects!

Hand-print bunnies! This project is done one-on-one while kids work in centers!

Torn paper rainbows! For this project, I draw the rainbow and the kids tear paper and create the rainbows! We do them on black construction paper so the colors really pop!

Easter Activities: Egg Hunt

We have a tradition of having an egg hunt every year—not an Easter egg hunt, just an egg hunt. Families send in numbered eggs. Students hunt and find only the egg with their number, so everyone gets the same number of eggs.

Easter Activities: Foodie Fun Friday

This week, our Foodie Fun Friday is actually on Thursday. And we’re doing a new snack! Bunny Punch! We’re using strawberry ice cream, strawberry lemonade, Sprite, mini marshmallows and Peeps!

Easter Activities: Morning Meeting

This week, our greeting is an egg greeting. I put pictures of each kid in a plastic egg. Students grab an egg, open it, and greet their friend.

Our morning meeting activity will be passing a plastic egg. We will pass a plastic egg using spoons.


This morning meeting activity ia great for helping students focus ans work on motor skills! Simply pass a plasric egg using plastic spoons! #teachersoftiktok #morningmeetingideas #kindergarten #fyp

♬ Funny Song – Mas Gombal
morning meeting resources

Easter Activities Freebies:

easter activities for counting


Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week.

For more information, check out these posts:

easter activities for kids
leap day lesson plans and books
leap day lesson plans and centers

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