I just got back from another very productive day in my classroom.  And i’m currently drinking a Pepsi Next and eating Cheetos.  That wedding six pack won’t happen this way!

I have had so many people say such great things about my classroom from yesterday’s post!  Thank you all so much!!  I am pretty proud of that room and I’m happy that you all like it!  I have had TONS of questions about my toilet spider!  The toilet spider is a simple solution to boys and their aim problems.  I simply draw the spider on the toilet with a sharpie!!   Slap on some rubber gloves and get down on your knees so you’re at the boys eye level so you get a good feel of what they see.  And draw your spider!  BAM!  No more pee on the floor.  You will have to re-draw your spider a few times during the year, but it’s a sure fire way to save some messes!

I bet you’re wondering what bubbles and snowballs have to do with Kindergarten?!  Any guesses?!?! No…well let me help!  Bubbles and snowballs are how we line up in Mr. Greg’s classroom!  We used to do duck tails and bubbles but some of our faculty felt this was too much like being arrested and we didn’t want our kids to think of school as prison or jail…blah.  I won’t get on my soap box about how I feel about that, so this year we’re doing snowballs which means your hands clasped in front of you instead of behind your back.  And of course bubbles means no talking.

From day one,  I am adamant and demanding and probably somewhat neurotic about how my students line up.  It’s such a big deal because anytime we’re lined up, that means we’re going to public areas.  I don’t want us to disturb others (And I’d like the same respect, but I won’t get on my soapbox about that either!) so I am very hard on my kids when we’re in a line.  And besides I like all the compliments we get!  I won’t lie!  I am a proud monster!    I was fortunate enough to find 30 number carpet squares in my classroom my first year of kindergarten and that’s how we line up!  I hot glue (hello, duct tape, hot glue is better!) the numbers to the floor and starting on day 1 we learn to line up on our number (ABC order)!  The numbers make the lining up process so calm because we’re not fighting or pushing for a spot in line!  Each week I have a line leader and a caboose so everyone gets to be in the front and the back.  And we practice from day 1 to day 180.  It’s not unusual for us to be parading up and down the green mile (kindergarten hall) practicing our line procedures.  I told you, I’m adamant.

But I don’t do this alone!  Oh no, I have a secret weapon.  An accomplice.  Eyes in the back of my head.  For real (or fake…if a puppet is real… never mind.)!  Meet my line accomplice, Mr. Who!  He is a puppet that sits on your hand and his head will spin all the way around so he can watch the chaos your sweet cherubs  behind you!

Mr. Who is our owl friend who watches us when we’re walking in line.  Mr. Who can watch the front and, wait for it, THE BACK!  His head spins all the way around!  Isn’t that coolest thing EVER?!?!  I know, I know.  A little jealousy is healthy.  At the beginning of the year, I introduce my class to Mr. Who and we make a big production of how he talks to me and tells me what he sees.  As we walk down the hallway, I slyly keep on an eye on my friends as Mr. Who watches from his perch.  I will randomly acknowledge my friends who look great in the hallway and of course, if anyone needs a reminder, I remind them.  Of course, since i’m facing forward, they are convinced Mr. Who is watching and telling.  It works wonders.

I hope my line procedures spark some ideas or just make your day brigther!

Today I finished my hallway bulletin board!  Thank you Michaels for the pink glittery wrapping paper!

I have an exciting freebie for you tomorrow!!  Check back and spread the news!

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