I love being a male kindergarten teacher.  The kids love me and I am a rockstar!  Today one of my little monsters was discussing how we are a big family.  He deduced that that made me the daddy.  Now, remember in the community my school serves, having a daddy is rare.  In fact, 85% of our students have no male figure in their lives.  Him saying that is pretty insightful because for 85% of my students, I am the “dad.”  Well, that got the ball rolling.  The class then decided that they were going to call me “Papa” and “Big Pappy” and then “grampa!”  Yeah, I need therapy now!  The kids also have a fascination with my hair arms!  Today one of my little monsters was rubbing my arm and she said, “Why you’re arms so hairy, Mr. Greg?”  Oh, questions!

Who doesn’t have stressful days where you just want to curl up in the fetal position in a corner and sob uncontrollably until your body shuts down?!  OK, so that is probably just me, but since that isn’t an option (not that I really haven’t been tempted…I have some very appealing corners to choose from!) here is how I find myself some therapy!  So, I am linking up with Blog Hoppin‘ for Teacher Week and Therapeutic Thursday!

Big Red is a very special treat!  If you’re from anywhere other than Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan you have probably never heard of this drink!  It’s the best drink EVER!  I can find it here in Tennessee now but just in a 2 liter!  You either love it or hate and I love it!  MMMMM so therapeutic!  Anytime I return to the homeland (Indiana…go Hoosiers!) I always stop at Exit 0 because the gas station at that exit has Big Red in the fountain machine!!!  YES PLEASE!  

My drink of choice!

A route 44 coke zero with lite ice from Sonic EVERY morning on my way to work is how I pre-therapy my self for a day of kindergarten!  The 2 ladies at Sonic know me and my schedule.  If I am late, they always ask if I’m ok!  And they give me free drinks a lot!  I don’t think I could start my day without my Sonic!  

I love a great facial!!  I am not a fan of massage, but I love getting a facial.  It’s so relaxing and feels so good.  I have to do what I can to protect my boyish and rugged good looks.  It’s OK, you can tell me it’s true.

We all need to break off a piece every now and then!

I love to lift weights and run!  I love the energized feeling I have after a workout or run.  I also love seeing the results!  My goal was to have a six pack stomach by the wedding (45 days people, 45 days!) but it won’t happen.  And I am blaming the Kit Kat!  And yes that weight lifting picture is EXACTLY what I look like with my scrawny arms, chicken legs and thunder thighs.  Ladies, it’ ain’t pretty!  hehe

Have you heard of this show???  OMG it’s so tragic and sad but I laugh so hard.  The fiance’ “is forced” to watch.  I know I am a bad person for watching and laughing, but I can’t help it.  You have to watch!  “You better redneck-nize!”

Another very guilty pleasure!   I love the Real Housewives franchise!  I mean, really, I wish these women had real problems!  I think they should do a Real Kindergarten Teacher series, starring me of course!  That would be true reality!  And an eye opener!
How do you relax and unwind?  Link up and share your ideas for therapy!

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