It’s hump day…and this has been a big hump.  Now we’re on the downhill!  Thanks to everyone for their kind and encouraging words on my post yesterday!  It’s great to have such supportive friends!!

I am linking up with Blog Hoppin’ for their Teacher Week!  Today is Where I Teach Wednesday!  I am excited to share some glimpses into my home away from home!  I love my classroom because it’s so eclectic   It’s a hodgepodge of color and stuff!   It’s bright and sassy like my personality!

Guided reading area.  The table behind my table contains my 2 laptops and 2 printers.  I wish I could tame the cord monster.  UGH!  I hate the cords and the dust dinosaurs they create!

“THE MONSTER PIT” where we have morning meeting, writing and our SmartBoard!  I use the SmartBoard all day everyday!!  We used it for handwriting today and LOVED it!

The classroom library!  My most favorite place in my room!  Just last night we had a discussion about adding a rider on our homeowners insurance to cover my $10,000 plus classroom library!  Hi.  My name is Greg and I have a book buying problem.  In fact, I got a Scholastic order in today.  

Our PIN words!  PIN=Post It Note!  I display the words on the ceiling for fun center work!  The kids love writing the ceiling words!

My room!  The numbers on the floor make lining up so easy!  I plan to write a post about how we tackle the lining up process!

Our toilet spider!  How do you get 5 year old boys to pee in the toilet?  Draw a spider in the toilet and tell them to pee on the spider.  Haven’t had a drop on the floor yet!  (Just tell the custodians not to scrub the spider off…hehe)

My giant monster clip chart!  I didn’t plan to make it this big! 
My pink rocking chair.

Our Mon-Star Work hallway display!

Our Word Wall with names and pictures added!  Did you know that Duct Tape is not designed to stick to paper or cardboard.  DUCT TAPE CAN”T STICK TO PAPER??!?!  Seriously, they told me so.  Anyways, I never thought I would hot glue Duct Tape but it happened!
And finally, our class pet!  Pinky The Wonder Hamster!  She is so stinkin cute!!!!!

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