Have you ever had one of those days?

Today was one for me. I’m a very happy, positive guy. I always see the bright side of life. Just last night the fiancé talked about how I am never in a bad mood. It’s something I cherish about myself. But today my spirit is broken friends.

We had a faculty meeting and I honestly feel what is being expected of us is physically, mentally and emotionally impossible. I want to give up. And that feeling makes me sick to my stomach because it’s so unlike me.

After the meeting the kindergarten team and our instructional coaches went to bond with our new K teacher. That ended up being an intensely emotional gathering. It was a very uplifting and positive experience if that makes sense. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by such amazing friends and coworkers. And that includes all of you!!!

Thanks for letting me vent and wallow in my bad mood and defeated mood. We now return to our regularly scheduled Greg and his happy go lucky self!


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