You Know It’s Back To School…

Monday!  How I loathe you when the alarm goes off at 5:30.  Speaking of alarms, I have this great app on my IPhone called “Smart Alarm.”  It’s designed to track how you sleep at night.  It records noises you make and uses your movements to track your sleep pattern.  I have been suprised to find that I have a very regular sleep pattern with very few noises.  Here’s the thing…the alarm “decides” when is the best time to wake you up based on your sleep pattern.  Yeah, Smart Alarm, I DO NOT NEED TO WAKE UP AT 4:45.  No matter what my sleep pattern says.  I need to wake up at 530 like I told you when I set my alarm!

I am linking up with Kindergarten Lifestyle for her You Know It’s Back To School Time Linky Party…

And for your viweing pleasure….Mr. Greg the Moose!  Can you guess what book we read today?  And notice the whiskers…ahhh whiskers.  How much do I despise thee?  I love the scruffy look…hate the greasy feeling at the end of the day….I love a nice beard in winter but hate the itching…I love a smooth, clean shaven face but my razor and my sensitive skin (I’m fragile!) are arch nemesis!
I want to start a regular Saturday blog post with a wrap up of our class activities for the week.  But I need a fun, cute name!  Something…..Saturday….suggestions?  ideas?

Kindergarten Lifestyle

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