Howdy!  It’s Wednesday!  We’re on the downhill for the week!  Are you all as exhausted as I am?  My poor feet hate me.  I’m worried that they’re going to mutiny against me and refuse to work.  I mean, I have a funky toe already, so I can see them all ganging up on me and just quitting.  I am not a fan of the massage, but I sure could go for a nice foot massage!

Ok…here we go…sit down, buckle up and get ready for a rambling post about all kids of things…but at least, I’m funny, right?!

Today we met with the principal and she told us that we will be getting a new kindergarten teacher next week!  Shew!  That is some great news!  We split our classes so we know who will be moving and who will be staying!  I will be down to 16 students!  Yay!  My tables can be put back together…I can have four groups of four students for guided reading (and we all know how important it is to have even group numbers!  hehe) We will all fit on the monster pit!  My line will not stretch the entire length of the hallway!  And most importantly,  I will be much more effective at meeting the needs of my students!  

With all of the stress of so many students, I love that my class as a whole is really shaping up!  Yesterday we were enjoying calendar time when one of my sweet babies raises her hand and says, “Mr. Greg, I love when you teach us things!”  And everyone chimed in with how much they loved me. I mean really?!  She loves when you teacher her things?!  How great is that.  It’s like music to a teacher’s ears!  And today my little ELL friend made a huge stride.  We were working on our first predictable chart titled “I see…” and when it was her turn she said, “I see….” and then said something to her sister.  Her sister translated.  My ELL friend said (on her own with no pushing or coaxing) “I see friends!”  YES!  YES!  Can I say I wanted to get on a table in my classroom and do my happy dance??    Ok, I might not get on the table even though I have been known to jump on the table top and start teaching.  You have to keep their attention somehow, right?!    I love being able to share the good news coming from Monsters, Inc.  And I think it helps me to say it (type it…blog it) to all of my friends (I have 355 now!!!!!!!) because it keeps me focused.  I have always tried to keep the attitude of focusing on one positive of each day.  I just hope that by sharing my mini successes that I help someone out.

We have been working hard on Chicka Chikca Boom Boom this week!  I plan to do a post on Saturday to roundup all of our activities and fun, so be sure to check back Saturday!  You never know, you might find something you want to use.  OK PEOPLE!  Who are we kidding?!  We all know you’ll find some good stuff.  I mean, have you met me?!  HEHE I’m kidding of course, but we’ve had a lot of fun with our CCBB week I can’t wait to share!

Today we added names to our word wall!  We celebrate this day with music (fanfare music fit for a queen…or king…)!  We read the names, we spell the names, we decide what letter the name goes with and the child gets to place their name on the word wall!  I love being able to add more and more of my students to our room!

Recently I bought a Groupon (ok, 3 Groupons) for Vista Print.  Today I got my first order!  I am so excited about this order!!!!  I got a new banner for my monster pit (our circle carpet), a new rubber stamp, some note cards and two new canvas bags!  What do you think?

And one more thing, then I’ll shut up.  What do you think of this for a new ABC pack?  Monster trucks?!  Boys and girls will love them, right?!

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