Currently I need to take a shower because my bed head is a hot mess right now!  Here is my September Currently!  Thanks Farley!

I love watching Designing Women, especially the episodes where Julia gets fired up and goes off on someone.  My all time favorite episode is when Julia kept running down the newsstand!

I love my new clip art.  I’ve recently found some new clip art shops so I have been excited to find lots of cute new stuff.  Now I need to be inspired to create with my new clip art!  And who doesn’t love a cloudy, gloomy day off.  It really makes me want to sit at the computer and create and blog and finish projects!  It also makes me want to sleep.  A lot.  I love to sleep.  A lot.  And of course, I am loving the fiancee’.  Nuff said.   It’s amazing that we will be married in 32 days.  Holy cow!  That’s soon.  I am glad the planning is done!  We can enjoy the ride.  Oh, and just to add to fun and excitement (read stress and worry) we’re going to Chicago to see Madonna in concert a week and a half before the wedding.  Great planning, huh?!

Farley, I love the fun letters at the top of the Currently.  I need those.  I want those.  Where can I find those?  Because I need to keep spending money on clip art.  It’s not like I have a major life changing event to pay for in 32 days!  And keep up the great work Farley!  You’re motivating me to run every day before the wedding!  You look GREAT!

I want my wedding to be here.  All the planning and details and stress…will be worth it on that beautiful day.

I need laminating pouches because I ordered some but they were the small ones!  I need to the big size.  And construction paper!  You can never have enough construction paper.  The problem is that our school has a budget of negative numbers so they’re not restocking our supply of construction paper so that is another expense that falls to me.

Have you seen the Bic Crystal Bold ink pens?  They come in all kinds of fun colors!  They write great with bright colors and they’re only 97 cents at Wal-Mart!!!  I have about 200 of them in my classroom.  I even use them for an incentive for the kids.  Later in the year, they can pay 5 of their treasure tickets to use a pen to write in their journal or do their word study journal!  Go get some.  And Bic, if you’re listening, I’d love to do a great blog post about your fun pens!  Maybe even give some away!  HINT HINT!

OK, I think using colored paper for copies is just more fun and engaging that boring white paper.  I know it’s expensive but doesn’t it look better?  My kids seem more excited about projects and work when they get to use colored paper.  And I love seeing our work on display on bright colored paper.  And let’s face it, bright colors match my bright personality!

That’s currently what’s happening in the exciting, adventurous and exotic life of Mr. Greg!

What are your favorite clip art shops?

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