It’s Tuesday!  I am late posting today because we had a super spectacular faculty meeting after school and then we hit the gym.  Can I give myself a shout out?  I am down to 152!  My wedding goal is 150.  I credit Ms. M at Ms. M’s Blog for her advice!  She said replace a meal a day with a salad and I did.  It’s made a huge difference!  And this post should put me over the 30,000 page views mark and hopefully the 400 follower mark!  I am so excited and proud of what my little blog has done in just over 4 months!  I couldn’t have done it without all of you!!!!  Thanks for making this smelly dude feel like a part of such an amazing, inspiring, ACCEPTING, and loving community.  I am better because of you.

Can I just say that when I heard my kids singing the song “Firework” today that I was energized?  We sing that song as our closing song during our afternoon meeting.  It’s such a great message that our students need to hear everyday.  We are all a firework and we need to light up like the Fourth of July!  I have a super fun art project we’re going to do this week to celebrate our firework-ness!

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you’ve heard me babble about my ongoing, bitter, smelly and never ending battle with my stick of deodorant.  I loathe my deodorant and apparently, it has a mutual loathing of me.  I broke out in a rash and had some weird peeling skin under my arm pit the past few days so I had to forgo the deodorant.  I know right?!  I see all your faces!  Turns out I am allergic to aluminum in deodorant so I had to switch to an expensive all natural deodorant.  And it ain’t so good.  Greg=0  Deodorant =1.

Yesterday, I mentioned that I had found some new clip art shops that I was loving.  They are new to me…maybe not to you all but I had requests to share them, so here they are.  Check ’em out.  Buy lots of stuff and tell them Greggy sent you!  Click on the pictures to visit the stores!

Doodle Darlin
The store below is where I got my rockin’ He Man teacher bag!  Custom made!  You should all go get your own fun teacher bag so you can be super cool like me!  Tell my college friend, Amy, that Greg sent ya!

And I have two questions for you tonight!
I read about how Fern Smith at Fern Smith’s Classrom Ideas gets her gets to leave her alone  give her uninterrupted small group time.  Her secret??  She wears a crown/tiara during her groups and her students know she isn’t to be bothered.  With the crown on, she is the reading diva!  Here is the question of the day:
Mr. Greg:  Reading Diva with a crown?  Or is that too much?!  hehe
And my final question;
How can I get more followers to my TPT store?  Just wondering how you all do it!
And due to popular demand, a picture of Butters the Goldendoodle!

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