Holy children gone bonkers batman!  I decree that Halloween week be a federal holiday that closes all schools.  Thanks.  Appreciate it.  My kids went off the deep end today.  It can’t get worse?!  Right? No really…it’s all up hill from here!  But it’s funny hat day so that makes it all better!
I know I normally post about morning meeting on Monday but I wanted to share this cute little math activity we did today.  
This week we are working on 6-15 so we ended our math block by telling “The Story of 6!”  And we did it with…wait for it…this is good…we did it with…President Obama and Governor Romney!!!  I know?!  Right!  So cute.  It was a great way to introduce the two presidential candidates!  It was very interesting today when we talked about Mitt Romney several students said “Romney Ryan”!  I guess they do listen to the news some!  Anyways…each child received a sheet or Mr. Obama clip art and a page of Mr. Romney clip art (red and blue of course!) and we cut them out while our cutting music played (The Flight of the Bumblebee, Hawaii 50 and Bonanza!).  After they were cut out, each child picked any six pictures and came to the monster pit.  We used our pictures to tell the story of 6.  Super cute and fun!  We will make 7-10 this week too!  We practiced making numbers and talked about the election!  SMARTER!  NOT HARDER!   (Ignore my oh so cute chart!  I made a cute little title for it and everything…left it at home!)  And I really need teacher handwriting classes.  Someone should start that business!
Let’s play a game…who can spot my grammatical error?!

You can get the making number freebie here!  If you use the activity, I would love to head how it goes in your classroom!
Funny hat Monday!!  I should have some talented clip art creator make me a cute little graphic for silly hat Monday (Ashley Hughes?  Michelle?)  This week we are not focusing on the letter F (which is appropriate since I don’t effectively teach my monsters to read anyways…?!) so I took the two fun hat products I have and like Frankenstein, created a hybrid hat!  Thanks Moffatt Girls and Jennifer at Simply Kinder for the great hats!!!!  
How cute is he?!?!  And yeah, nice outfit on the human too!
Shirt:  Old Navy
Pants:  Old Navy
Socks: Old Navy
Scarf:  H&M
Shoes:  Target
Dog:  GoldenDoodle
And the socks match perfectly!  I always match!  Top to bottom!
If you are working on composing and decomposing numbers or if you’re planning on it anytime soon, check out this pack I created for my monsters!  Who doesn’t love Legos?  And who wouldn’t love using said Legos to learn numbers?!  It’s a little kids dream come true!  
And the winner of the Vespa naming challenge is:
LooseWheel Ball (Lucille Ball!)  PERFECT!  I need a shirt that says that and a sparkly red helmet!

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