It’s Tuesday!  Shoo, the anticipation is building for tomorrow!  Are your kids as wild as mine??  I have a little fried who hasn’t stopped talking since yesterday.  Talking.  About everything.  Non stop.  Talking.  Talking.  Talking.  Talking.  I will pay him to stop talking.  Talking.  Talking.  Is there an app for that???  I will add that to my list of apps to create this summer.  I have one already.  Send your app ideas to me and I will get on it.  Not that I know anything about creating apps but why not?!  
Well, it’s Tuesday so that means it’s time for some fun technology stuff for ya all!  I made a graphic for Technology Tuesday.  Simple.  Plain.  Like me.  The Mr. likes that I am a simple and plain dude.  Makes for a cheap date!  Anyways…here are some fun apps for us teachers.  They might not have much classroom use but they are great for us adults!  And speaking of technology…I had my personal laptop sitting out this morning and the kids were in awe that I had two laptops.  And they were excited that mine was bigger.  My talking friend…talking….talking….talking…pointed out that I needed a big computer because I “have to do my lessons and they are big lessons.”  I like that.  I plan big lessons!  Can he put that in writing for those higher up?!  
Instagram!  Have you heard of this cool app?  It allows you to add cool retro effects to your pictures!  Even polaroid like effects!  And you can share them with people who follow you!  I have had a personal Instagram for a while and have fun with it.  Then Michelle and Apples and ABCs shared that she had a classroom Instagram!  Oh, you know I am so on board with that.  Have you seen the pictures I take?  Currently I have 1,400 pictures on my iPhone and about 976 of those are classroom pics!  Now you can see them on Instagram with super fun effects! 
Check out Instagram and follow me!  My username on Instagram is kindergartensmorgasboard
Here are some recent Instagram photos!

IFontMaker!  I have actually had this app on my iPad for a year and have played with it a bit.  This app allows use to turn your handwriting into a font!  I KNOW, RIGHT?!  I have made two fonts.  I used my own handwriting to make a font and I have on that a student made!  This app has tons of possibilities and potential!  I have seen a lot of people sharing super cute fonts that they have created on this app!  I am going to sit down soon and crank out a font or three!  
How fun would handwriting fonts from students be to use on your creations for your classroom?!

ArtStudio!  I just downloaded this app and haven’t done much with it.  This app is similar to Photoshop but for your iPad.  Guess what it’s good for??  Drawing!  Hello clip art!  Yeah, I have this dream to be a clip art creator.  But…there is a slight problem…um, I can’t draw!  But I am not letting that stop me!  Look out Ashley Hughes, here I come!  I can also see this being used in my classroom for students to draw and create their own pictures.  I can also see students using it to illustrate their writing and our class books!

Pants:  GAP (yep, pink pants!)
Shirt:  Old Navy
Mr. Rogers inspired sweater:  Kohls ($8 people!)
Shoes:  Target (not that you can see them!)
Isn’t the Mr. a great fashion photographer?!
Don’t forget to check out these great creations that your students will LOVE!!!!  

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