I’m bailing on “wordless Wednesday!” Because I can. And I have things to say! But just a few words ( me saying a few words is rare! Enjoy it!)

You’ve read of my adventures with my ELL friend ( the running, crying, splitting her days with her older sister, attacks from other teachers….) and the recent breakthroughs so I want to share this with you all. We all need celebrations and encouragement, right!?

Today in the middle of centers my friend walked up to me with a piece of paper and wrote the following sentence:

“I love Mr. Greg” and then she read it to me!!!!!!!

Can I just say that I love being able to do what I do!? You have read some snippets (sarcasm…snarky comments…) about the situation at my school and the lack of support from above… I can honestly say I’ve been so demoralized and discouraged and feel I’m under constant attack. And then this happens. And nothing else matters!  My students are learning, laughing and loving.  Close the door and teach on!  My new motto and philosophy for this adventure we’re on!!!

I think you are all amazing teachers and you’re doing amazing things with your students.  Please don’t let the unwarranted criticisms and attacks of the unknowing bring you down.  Look at your students each day and know that you are loved, appreciated and needed.  And know that Mr. Greg has your back and if anyone messes with you, I will kick them in the knees!  We have to stick together and love each other!!  If you ever need anything, Mr. Greg is here for ya!

Happy Halloween!!  We made spider hats today!  Ya know you love to see me in silly hats!!!!!  Well this one is awesome!  Be sure to head over to my friend  Robin at Sweet Tea Classroom and tell her you love my hat!

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