Therapy Thursday: Picture Day and Election Fun

….as in I need therapy!!  Day after Halloween.  Picture day.  Yeah, it’s as bad as it sounds!  My monsters were bonkers today!!!  I think they all had a sugar overdose and forgot everything.  Rules?  What are those?  Procedures?  Nope.  Don’t know those either.

Random story of the day…as I’m driving home I keep smelling cinnamon.  Um, is smelling cinnamon a sign of a stroke?!  All the way home…cinnamon.  And sometimes it was pretty strong.  I had no idea where it was coming from.  Does a car malfunction smell like cinnamon?  After I got home, the culprit was located.  By the golden doodle!  Um, it was my hand.  Somehow…someway…I have cinnamon on my hand.  How?  I teach kindergarten, your guess is as good as mine.  Even as I’m typing…I smell cinnamon!

I have a question!  (Ya’ll know I have lots of questions…but just one tonight!)  How do you set up and run your math centers/workstations?  This year, my system of drawers isn’t working well.  It has worked very well for two years but this year it just isn’t doing it.  I would love to hear ideas/suggestions for how you run your centers.  Our literacy centers in the morning are great!  So I need to figure out how to smooth out our math centers!  HELP a boy out!

We kicked off our election fun today!  My kids were aware of who is running for President and we talked a lot about choices and choosing a president!  As we were walking down the hall today, my kids saw a poster of the two candidates and I heard “OOOOHHHH!”  I love when they get excited about things they are learning!

Tomorrow we are voting on dogs and cats!  My great friend and co worker made our voting booth for Monday’s election!  How cute is this?!  If you need or want voting activities, click on the picture!

It was picture day so I dressed up!!  
Shirt:  TJ Maxx
Pants:  Old Navy
Tie:  Men’s Wearhouse (It’s the tie I wore for the wedding!)

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