Hello Sunday! Hello lesson plans…creating resources…planning amazing and inspiring and engaging lessons……guzzling Mt. Dew… munching on Wavy Lay’s Ranch chips…ya know, a normal Sunday in the life of a teacher! Throw in Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter…and you have the recipe for….
Click the picture to download my lesson plans for the week! I have had tons of feedback from my plans! I am glad you like them. Be sure to visit my friend Ms. M if you like the template! She has some great lesson plan templates!
This week is going to be crazy hectic! We have a ton of Christmas holiday projects planned. We have big plans to celebrate 12-12-12 on Wednesday. And we have to do our assessments this week. Yeah, it’s that time of year. The most wonderful stressful time of the year! This week is jam packed with stuff so get ready…I hope there is an idea or activity you can use or inspires you! Please leave me some love and let me know what you’re doing this week so you can inspire me!
We kick off the week with one of our favorites, Aliens Love Panta Claus! If you don’t have this series of books, please RUSH out and get them! Your kids will love them, especially the boys! And if we can get our boys to read, that’s worth the money!
After we read our story, we will create our story map (title, author, illustrator, characters, setting, plot/major events)!
This week we are not celebrating just one letter, but two! We are celebrating B and L so we will review the sounds of B and L and do a quick picture sort to make sure we have a good foundation for those sounds. And of course, we will be making silly hats! Today we make a bear hat for B. (You need to visit my friend Jenifer to get your silly hats!) My lower monsters will do a B picture sort and my higher monsters will work on blending and matching pictures to words. Look at me differentiating first thing on Monday morning!
Writing will be a 5 senses tree map for Christmas. I am very interested to see what we come up with for how Christmas feels!!!
In math we are reviewing 2D shapes and introducing 3D shapes! We will be doing a lot of shape sorting and a lot of identifying shapes! I made this PowerPoint to use with my monsters! We love anything techie and anything that involves the SmartBoard! You can click on the picture to get your own PowerPoint! We will also discuss what 2D (flat) shapes are and 3D (fat) shapes are. Yep…flat and fat! I also tell my monsters that 3D shapes are the shapes we see in real life and give examples such as a basketball, ice cream cone, can, and tissue box. But flat and fat seem to have a strange appeal to monsters!
I also created this book that we will use as part of our 2D shape review! You can click the picture to download your free copy!
And no day is complete without a craftivity! And this is another Mr. Greg original! Aliens Love Panta Claus…so aliens wearing a Santa Hat and your students can design an ugly Christmas sweater! If you want to see some of my thoughts on the academics behind craftivities and art, check out yesterdays post HERE! It gives a few reasons why craftivities and art are so important to academics and provides you with a defense of your art projects! Just in case…
Click on the picture to get your free pattern! And while you’re there, be sure to leave me some feedback. Good,bad or ugly!
Today we will read another favorite There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell and do a flow map to retell the story. Today, the monsters will do their own flow map! Look out!
Today we will not be celebrating B and L and working on sorting B and L and of course, making a ladybug hat! Yes, I am going to don a ladybug hat!
Our writing today will be a predictable chart about what we want for Christmas! Our sentence frame will be: _____________ wants _________________ for Christmas.
We will continue working on our shapes with a review of shapes using our PowerPoint and will sort fat or flat shapes (2D or 3D). We will do a shape graph! This is from Lanier’s Lions blog! Be sure to check it out and tell my friend Nicole Greg says HI!
Today’s craftivity is another Greg Smedley-Warren original! This is one of my favorites for Christmas! They look so cute hanging from the ceiling!! Click on the picture to get your free copy!
Hello hump day! We did it! We mad it half way! We can do it!!
Today we read about Hanukkah and discuss how Hanukkah and Christmas are the same different.
After reading this cute story we will do a double bubble map to compare and contrast the two holidays.
We will publish our Christmas list using our predictable chart to help us.
Today is also 12-12-12. So we will celebrate the letter 12! We will make a 12 hat (you can’t have a special day without a silly hat!! It is the kindergarten smorgasboard rule!), a 12 book, we will count to 12 and have 12 snacks!
And we will make this cute hand print menorah that I found on Pinterest!
Today we will read about the night before Christmas with a pirate twist! Who doesn’t love pirates?! And Christmas!
We will complete a story map after reading the story!
Today we will be writing about The 12 Days of Christmas (with a Mr. Greg twist!) We will make a list of numbers (whatever numbers they want!) and then we will make a second list of Christmas or holiday items and objects! For example: On the 34th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 34 cookies! And of course we will be rocking out to the song!
In math we will continue our fat and flat shape journey with a review of shapes using our PowerPoint and we will decide if our shapes are 2D or 3D. We will do 2 more shape activities from Lanier’s Lions shape packs! Be sure to check them out!!
Today’s craftivity is one that my Facebook friend, Kiah, made with her class and she shared the pattern with me! It’s a toy solider!! How cute are these!?
Kiah has some awesome craftivities! Check her out on Facebook!
And finally, it’s Friday!
We will end our week with a classic story, The Night Before Christmas!
After reading and discussing the story, we will complete a double bubble map comparing and contrasting the two stories: A Night Before Christmas and A Pirates Night Before Christmas. I will also pull out the book, Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving and ask them how the books are the same different.
We will publish our The Many Days of Christmas book by writing and illustrating our page!
And we will work on our blending! I can’t believe how much better my monsters are with blending. That light bulb is really starting to flicker and it makes me so excited!
Math will wrap up our shapes unit with an assessment to see how well we know 2D and 3D shapes and their names!
And of course, on Friday, we have Foodie Friday PLUS this week! It’s a craftvity with food!
This was shared on Facebook and I knew we had to do it!
Cut out the middle of the paper plate and paint the ring green. Then you glue cereal (Apple Jacks or Fruit Loops) on the wreath and add a bow! Guess what our snack is?! Yep. Cereal!
We will also be using this poem and emergent reader this week! Click on the pictures to get your free copies!
There are some great give aways going on right now! Be sure to enter so you can be THE WEINER!

My friend Katie is having a fun give away too! We’re super friends because we exchanged numbers and we text now. And we have a mutual Post It Note fetish. And just wait until you see us posing with our Post It Notes! And her hubby is a teacher with his own blog that is quite amusing (but not as amusing as me!)over at Writing Pad Dad!