A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Saturday Kindergarten Post: February 9th, 2013

Hello weekend!!!  Another week down.  Sadly, I am back in the sick chair.  It’s the big green comfy chair upstairs where I go when I feel icky.  I left school early yesterday for a visit to the clinic.  Luckily, no strep.  Just a virus.  So here we are again.  Seriously, I NEVER get sick.  Then all of a sudden this year BAM my body has let me down.  ANGRY ARMS!  But I digress…and on to bigger and better things!

It’s Saturday.  I know you’re on pins and needles to hear all about the chaos of Room 114!  So here goes!

We kicked off our week with GROUND HOG DAY!  (I always say it like the movie…most.  annoying. movie.  ever.)  Yes, I realize it was after the fact, but that’s OK.  Better late than never.

groundhog gets a say

I am so proud of all the things the monsters learned about groundhogs!!!
Groundhogs can help you meet common core standards.  True story.
And no celebration (let’s be honest…no regular, ordinary day) is complete without a silly hat!
This week we have also been learning about teeth and dental health!  Fo sho, my monsters are convinced that the dentist gives you gold teeth.  No.  Really.  He doesn’t.  That’s not good monsters.  One of my favorite activities this week was painting teeth with toothbrushes!  (Later in the year, we use the toothbrushes for splatter painting!  True story.  We splatter paint!)
Here is our Tooth Fairy can/have/are tree map.  I was so proud of the monsters responses.  Sneaky…little hands…a night person!!  Such great ideas.  Those monsters are so smart!
Here is a craftivity that made the monsters giggle and giggle and giggle. We had so much fun!  These came from A Cupcake For The Teacher.    We have made several of her craftivities and they are so cute and fun!  Thanks for the giggles!
This week we also worked on making 10 using my Snappin Numbers creation.  The monsters were awesome!!!  We are ready for two weeks of addition and word problems now!    But really, who doesn’t love Legos?!  It’s like playing with toys.  And learning.  And when I tell the monsters to “build 10” it’s like giving them permission to play.  But guess what monsters?!  You’re learning.  HAHAHAHAH Sneaky Mr. Greg!
We also worked on compound words this week!  The monsters loved this center from my dear blogger friend Kim at Kindergarten365!  I was so pleased at how quickly they picked up on the concept!  We will continue building on this skill next week!
This week we also rolled out some new centers!!!  Do your kids go CRAY CRAY for new centers?  I think we’re going to roll out new centers a lot more so we can build that enthusiasm.  Mine especially love when I tell them that I “made” new centers for them to use to learn.  They think it’s so awesome that Mr. Greg is making things that make them smarter.  Friday, I was printing centers and they all were memorized by the printer because they knew it meant new centers!
We worked on medial sounds (and um, we will be doing that more…YIKES!  No good news on that front.  Teacher fail.)  so I made this Smart Board center.  LOVE!
We also rolled out our Write The Room books.  The monsters LOVE it!  They learn ABC skills that will build into dictionary skills in a few weeks!  Get ready!  Kindergartners and dictionaries!
We also got out new Valentine’s Day (lame holiday.) centers from my I Heart Valentine’s Day Pack!
That’s our week!  We did make a tooth fairy and do some tooth fairy writing but since I left early we didn’t get to finish!  We will finish those Monday and I will post them!
If you’re interested in any of these resources, click on the picture!
And in case you missed the Mardi Gras freebie, you can get some Mardi Gras Ten Frame cards here!

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