It’s here!!!  Sunday Funday for some.  Nap day for some.  For teachers (except those who have the week off….I won’t like.  I am jealous.  I hope it rains on you all week.  There.  Just kidding…enjoy your week off.  No really…enjoy the sleeping in and the naps and the relaxation.  In the rain.) everywhere it’s lesson planning day.  Sometime’s referred to as Pinterest day!

This week is a short 4 day week.  That means another week of crazy monsters.  And not enough time. We also have to do our door decoration for The Three Little Pigs.  Yeah.  Mr. Greg might be a little grumpy by the time Friday rolls around.  And, oh yeah, we close on our townhouse on Thursday so we will officially be homeless until March 25!

So here it is.  Schedulin Sunday.

click the picture to download my lesson plans for the week!
This week we are celebrating all things Presidential.  I am still waiting on The White House to confirm the President’s visit to my classroom.  I mean, really, it’s not such a big deal for him to drop in, right?! Sheesh.  This week we will be focusing on research and writing!  Our research and writing activities are all from these two creations:  

I created the FREE emergent readers so that all of the information in those little books would correlate perfectly with the research and writing activities in my Presidential Writing pack!  Today we will learn about George Washington!  We will read the George Washington book and create a tree map about Mr. Washington.  I will also read the story A Picture Book Of George Washington.  We will add any new information to our tree map
After we conclude our research on Mr. Washington, we will complete a predictable chart about what we learned.  
Our poem for this week is The President!  Click the picture to get your freebie from the freebies page!
Of course, we will not be focusing on X and V this week!  So that means a silly hat is in order!  We will be making an x-ray hat!  
We will also be doing our word study and working on those evil, dreaded middle sounds!  We are loving the simple middle sound file I made for the Smart Board.  It’s a great way to get the gets engaged and makes a great center!  (Any tips for teaching I and E middle sounds?  I would love to hear them!)
In math, we are continuing with our work on addition.  This week we are focusing on problem solving using pictures.  I keep this week pretty simple and old school.  I write a problem on the Smart Board.  The monsters use their dry erase paddle and marker to write the problem and draw pictures to solve the problem.  It’s simple but it’s effective.  We spend two days doing this whole group so they all get tons of practice understanding how to use pictures to solve equations.
My mom got these for me during my first year in Kindergarten!  We LOVE these!  I highly recommend a class set!  (Click the picture to learn more!)
Today’s craftivity will of course by Mr. Washington!
This week all of our craftivities come from my friend Katie at Teacher To The Core!  She is AMAZING!  Check her out and check out this awesome American Heroes Pack!
Our presidential week continues with Honest Abe!  We will read the book Abraham Lincoln that I wrote and we will create a tree map to organize our research.  I will also read the story A Picture Book Of Abraham Lincoln.  We will add any new information to our tree map!
After we finish our research on Mr. Lincoln, we will work on writing.  We will complete a predictable chart using the information on our tree map.  Each student will complete one sentence about Abe!
And since we are not focusing on X and V and we did make an X hat yesterday, today we will make a V for vegetables hat today!  Yes, you are that lucky!  Two silly hats in a week!
In math, we will spend another day working on our problem solving skills in addition.  If the monsters did well with the pictures yesterday, today I might switch it up.  I might draw the pictures and they have to write the equation and find the answer.  If we struggled with the pictures yesterday, we will spend another day working on that skill.  After we finish with our whiteboard paddles, the monsters will complete an independent practice page so I can get an informal idea of how we’re doing and where to go.  Yep, true story, I use informal assessments to guide my instruction.  I know…i’m that good!
Today our craftivity will be Mr. Lincoln!
Our presidential fun continues today with our current President, Mr. Obama.  We will read our Barack Obama reader and a create a tree map about our current president.  (Honestly, this is the one that my kids will go bonkers for.  They LOVE President Rock Obama because he looks like them!   Come on Rock Obama, hop on that plane and come see us!)  After we finish the tree map, I will read the story Barack Obama:  Son Of Promise Child Of Hope and we will add any new information to our tree map! 
After we finish the research portion of Mr. Obama, we will move onto the writing part of our day.  Each child will complete one sentence in our Mr. Obama predictable chart!  
In math, we will focus on word problems.  The monsters did so well with the dinosaur word problems last week!  I am excited to see who they do this week.  This week, we will be doing unicorn word problems!  You know , to make it fair to the boys and girls who like unicorns!  I will project a problem on the board and the monsters will use manipulatives to solve the problem!  After we practice several whole group problems, the monsters will complete two independent practice pages!  
Of course, our day isn’t complete without a presidential craftivity!  Today we will create Mr. Obama!
Yes!  FRIDAY!  How I love thee, let me count the ways!  16.  Yep.  16 monsters.  16 reasons to love Friday.
Today we will bring our presidential research and writing to conclusion and create a learning masterpiece!  We will review all that we learned about the presidents.  After we review we will create 3 different double bubble maps to compare and contrast the presidents.  We will compare Washington and Lincoln, Washington and Obama and Lincoln and Obama.  
Today each student will use our predictable charts to publish a “research paper” on each president.  They will use writing paper for each president and will publish their leaning.  These will all be displayed  along with our craftivities to create our master piece!
In math, we will do our addition assessment and spend the rest of our math block with math centers.  
Our presidential week comes to a close with a presidential snack!
I googled presidential snack for kindergarten and found this gem of a snack!  A banana log cabin!  Perfect! 
And one  more freebie for you!  I Have Who Has CVC Words Game!
And that is another common core aligned week in The Kindergarten Smorgasboard! Widgets Widgets Widgets

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