Um, I’m doing a big ole happy dance…with glitter…because it’s 2 weeks of Spring Break!  Yes.  2 weeks.  Can I just say it’s just in time!!!  We do have a training tomorrow but the kids are gone so Spring Break is underway!

Since we’re not in school for St. Patrick’s Day this year, we celebrated today!  We had a visit from Lucky The Leprechaun and enjoyed a shamrock shake and even an extra special treat with “The Wizard of Oz!”

Speaking of Lucky the Leprechaun, thank you to all of the adults who show horror movies to small children and ruin the fun of a leprechaun.  I actually had a student have a meltdown when we returned to find that our room had been visited by a leprechaun.  People, he was terrified that the leprechaun was there!  I felt AWFUL.  I finally calmed him down and he was able to enjoy himself!  Seriously, don’t show kids scary movies.  That’s the Kindergarten Smorgasboard tip of the day.

Speaking of a leprechaun’s visit…check out what he did to our room!  (People, do you know how difficult it is for me to make a mess like this?!  Shew…)  The monsters FLIPPED out when they came in.  (Story time:  Right as the “leprechaun”  (um, I’m about the size of a leprechaun…so it works… was painting the footprints, we had a lockdown.  As I checked the hall, one of monsters was strolling down the hall because school starts at 10:15…so there we are locked in the classroom…I had to bribe her to not tell the secret…)  They were hilarious.  Running around, screaming, trying to follow the footprints. It was priceless!

MJ wasn’t even immune to the Leprechaun!

Here is the highlight of the leprechaun visit!  People, he even used our toilet!  And yep, they “use it” green!  The monsters were beyond amazed!!  Seriously…highlight of the day!  One monster had to “use it” right after this (once I got her to tell me what “it” was) and she was a little hesitant to go!  
I am amused that Lucky passed out gold Pesos!  Apparently the end of his rainbow was in Mexico!

This week we also made these beautiful hand print shamrocks!  I just love these!  They are so fun and easy to do!  And I mean, it’s a hand print shamrock!

This was something new for St. Patrick’s day this year and OMG how cute are these?!  I dyed pasta green with food coloring and the monsters worked hard to decorate a shamrock with the noodles!  Adorable….kinda like me!
We also finished our HUGE torn paper rainbow!  This beautiful piece of art will adorn our hallway until the end of the year!  It was a labor love and the finial product is so worth it!!

Of course, it’s a holiday so there is a hat!  It’s a rainbow hat!!!  

Our day ended and spring break commenced with our own shamrock shakes!  Lime sherbet and sprite make for a delicious treat!
To celebrate Spring Break, I have a freebie for you!  You’ve seen him.  You’ve heard about him.  And even he is on Spring Break!  The CEO of The Kindergarten Smorgasboard is finally doing some work! He’s going to help us meet some common core counting standards!  Even Butters loves ten frames!
Click the picture to go to the freebies page!

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