Happy Hump Day!  Guess what?  One more day with the monsters and a training on Friday and then it’s 2 weeks off for me!  And guess what?  The kids were much better and much more quiet today.  AHHHH  Let’s hope tomorrow is the same!  (At least we have a little St. Patty’s party to help them stay focused!)

Story time (imagine me waving my warms wildly…it’s my signal for story time!)  We were sharing during morning meeting.  A monster was sharing about being with her “old dad” and then she said that “Ricky Martin was playing toys with her!”  I said, um, “Who?’  She said it was Ricky Martin.  Immediately I wanted to jump up and start shaking my hips and bust out with “livin la vida loca!”  But I kept my professional composure.  And of course it wasn’t THE Ricky Martin…a teacher can dream, though, right?!

This week we have been learning about measurement (CCSS  KMD1 and KMD2).  We actually do a lot of measuring with a holiday theme!  This week we worked on comparing the size of objects and ordering objects by size.  We also measured St. Patrick’s Day and Easter!

We put our leprechauns in order from small to big.  Most monsters handled this task well.  They were engaged and had fun (OMG there goes Mr. Greg making learning fun again…true story…laughing and learning!)

This week we measured the height and width of our pictures.  We understand that measuring tells us how big or how much of something and we understand that height is how tall and width is how far across!  

This week we worked very hard on placing our ruler at the edge of the picture and making sure we measured from the end of the ruler.  Really, look at that concentration!

How many Easter eggs tall is this egg?

The monsters worked independently on measuring each picture and recorded their answers.  After they recorded the answers we created our class chart!  
If you want to check out these measurement creations, you can check them out here!  (And the St. Patrick’s Day Measuring is 50% off!  WOOT WOOT!)

The leprechaun order by size is available in this freebie!  Just click to go to the freebies page!

If you downloaded this fun freebie, please download it again.  I made a mistake.  HEHE  The monsters pointed it out today (apparently there were two cards with the number 13 listed.  OOPS!)  Sorry for the mistake!  
And stay tuned for this upcoming freebie (Friday?!)
Yes, that is The CEO of The Kindergarten Smorgasboard, Butters!  My new friend, The Library Fox, created the cutest clip art set with doggies!  Butters was the model for the golden doodle!

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