Monday.  That is all.

Today’s blog post is coming to you live, via satellite from the outdoor offices at The Kindergarten Smorgasboard World Headquarters!

We enjoyed our first dinner on the patio with our new BRIGHT ORANGE patio furniture (as the mister refers to it, “It’s very Greg Warren patio furniture!”)!  Now I am blogging and working on fun new creations.  And enjoying a beverage.  Blackberry if you must ask.  
Today was a major event in the kindergarten smorgasboard.  Today we were honored guests at the wedding of Mr. Q and Mrs. U!  And what a wedding it was!  A bride.  A groom.  A wedding party!  And a wedding cake.
Now, for all of those people who are not teachers and criticize us for doing these things.  Let me just say this:  I still have kids who were in my kindergarten class four years ago coming to me and talking about writing q and u and how they always write them together.  Outsiders might call it silly and trivial and “non academic” but these experiences help our students to cement those skills into their minds.  PS  This is much more authentic and valuable than the standardized test we have to do this week….just sayin!
And now, the wedding of  Q and U!

The boys made glittery bowties to wear at the wedding!  People, I love glitter so much I even have BLACK glitter!!!  True story!
We all walked down the aisle to the wedding march.   Notice the looks on some of those faces!  Priceless.  I wonder how many people have the look when they’re walking down the aisle?!
The official wedding portrait!  The girls are wearing their custom made veils featuring dazzling glittery tissue paper and precious pink sentence strips.  A must have for all alphabet brides!

Our beautiful (and delicious)0 wedding cake!  This was made by one of the Pre-K teaching assistants!  She has made our wedding cake every year!  They’re always cute and yummy!!

And finally, here are my three princesses.  They named themselves this because they all wore their beautiful dresses!!  
And yes, I even dressed for the occasion
I am sporting my bowtie and mustache lanyard!  How appropriate for an alphabet wedding in the land of mustaches and glitter?!

I must give a shout out to Crystal at Kreative In Kinder for her awesome Q and U wedding unit!   It was a last minute grab this morning!  The story was a perfect way to kick off our wedding day and we loved coloring the picture of Q and U!

Kreative in KinderIn case you missed it, here is my Cinco de Mayo freebie!  Click on to the freebies page to get yours!

Did you know that this Saturday is the first Saturday in May?  That means The Kentucky Derby!  I’m a native of the Louisville area so the Derby is near and dear to my heart!  I created this common core aligned creation to bring some of my Derby love into the classroom!  Check it out!
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