Happy Hump Day!!! Is this the slowest, craziest week ever?! It feels like it should be Thursday. My monsters have been CRAY CRAY! And that’s making Mr. Greg GRUMPY GRUMPY! But we’re holding on to our routines and schedule as much as possible! I am so thankful for centers and the independence of my monsters so I can get stuff done (ya know, assessments, report cards!) in between the tattling, stories about loose teeth, tears and the such. Ya know, kindergarten independence!
Here is the story of the day! If you’re stomach is weak, skip ahead! So picture it. Sunshine. 75 degrees. Playground in Music City. A slight breeze wafts in something odd. Hmmm there it is again. Now it’s stronger …OMG WHAT IS THAT SMELL?!?!?! People, the smell of “manure” overtook the playground and the humans. Humans…that’s important in the story. We line up and head inside. The smell is there too. In fact, it’s so strong and growing stronger that we’re starting to get nauseous And I don’t get nauseous so it’s bad. We call central office and they send out someone in case it’s gas or something with the boilers (they said I did the right thing because it’s better safe than sorry!)…then it happened. A monster put her foot up and there it was. The odor causer. All over the shoes. I frantically calmly removed her shoes and accidentally caught a whiff. Yeah. A whiff of what was causing the odor. Let’s just say it wasn’t an animal. True story. Some PERSON had…ya know…yeah…on our playground and we had stepped in it. And now tracked it into the classroom. Only in the kindergarten smorgasboard!
And now some centers!