

High Ya!  2 more Mondays for me!!!  

Happy Teacher Appreciation week!!!!!!!  I think you all rock!!!  This is our week!  Be proud of what you do!  The kindergarten smorgasboard is honored to call each of you colleagues and friends!!!!!!!

Today I want to share a super cute and fun math activity with you.  My monster love love love anything that involves them writing the room!  We write the room during literacy centers and math centers.  And to make writing the room even more fun and appealing, I let the monsters use smelly markers!  People, smelly markers will rock their world.  And yes, they will sniff them.  A LOT!  And that’s OK!  At least they’re meeting common core standards while they’re sniffing away!!

I am currently obsessed with ninjas.  And so are the monsters.  Ninja’s rock.  My friend Crystal at The Library Fox created these amazingly cute ninjas for me and I am finally getting to use them.  Ya see, the problem with having 41,000 clip art files is that you just you just have to keep creating to use all that clip art.  Wait…that’s not really a problem is it?!

So here is our current math center obsession.  It’s a differentiated addition write the room center.  There are 3 levels.  Green is the lowest or easiest level with addtion to 5, blue is the middle level with addition 0-10 and pink is the most difficult with 0-12.  I print and laminate the cards and paste them all over the room (the bonus to this center is that my room is BARE because I am packing up so it will be nice to have some adorable ninja’s around the room!) and give the students their color coded recording sheet.  Using the color coded paper makes it easy for the monsters to find their cards and solve their addition equations!

HIGH YA!  Hunt for the ninjas and solve the equation!!!

Click on the picture to get your freebie!

And did you hear that there is a sale at Teachers Pay Teachers tomorrow and Wednesday?!  All of my creations will be 20% off and TPT is adding an extra 10% off!  WOOHOO!  My cart is already FULL of great teaching resources!!!!  Click the pictures to check it out!!!

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