A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Freebie-Palooza!

Howdy!  I spent another day hard at work on the greatest kindergarten classroom ever!  Are you curious as to what it’s looking like??  Well you should follow me on Instagram (kindergartensmorgasboard) because I keep posting sneak peeks!

Today I got in a fight with a bookshelf.  I think I lost.

But I did get all of my books (and that’s a lot of books!!) put away and organized.  Sadly my grand plan for matchy match book tubs did not pan out.  Oh well.  Tomorrow I will be labeling the book boxes with these adorable labels!
I organize my books by theme, author, and subject.  There are some themes/authors/subjects that have more than one tub so that’s why you see more than one of some numbers.  And yes, there are a couple of numbers missing because I eliminated some books in the move so a couple of tubs have gone away.
If you would like these labels in an EDITABLE format, click the picture to head over to the freebie page!
I also happen to love the concepts and ideas from Whole Brian Teaching.  I have not implemented this approach fully but I do love the 5 rules!  I made some posters to use to help my students with our 5 classroom rules!
Click the picture to get your free set of posters!
And finally, I made a poster for our recycling bin!
And in case you didn’t know that today was a special day:
So who’s running outside in their underwear????  (I love Todd Parr!)

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