
Saturday Kindergarten Post AND MUSTACHE GIVEAWAY!

Happy Saturday!  I hope you had an amazing week of teaching and learning!  I hope there were lots of laughs and great moments!
I, of course have to share two stories!  I’m sure your remember my fire drill friend, who we will now call fire drill!  Well, her hilarity continues.  
Story 1:  One day this week Fire Drill and I were having one of those days where she was all over the place and I was all over her.  Well, it became quite clear that she was over Mr. Greg because I called her name for 1,435,098th time that day and she said looked at me, curled her face up and said, “OH MY GAWD!” and sat down.  Yeah..over me.
Story 2:  Some background…the ‘staches told me that Fire Drill almost threw up in the cafeteria (not sure how you almost throw up…but OK…).  As we are sitting on our pink carpet for calendar time, I hear that ominous wretching sound and look at FD.  She has that dreaded bubble that is probably full of something….ya know the look and the bubble.   I tell her to go the bathroom….she returns…
Me:  “Fire Drill, did you get sick?”
FD:  “Maybe”
Me:  “Honey, did you throw up?”
FD: “Maybe.”
Me:  “Honey, did you get sick in your belly and throw up in the toilet?”  (complete with gestures)
Clearly she was done with my questions!
And now on to The Saturday Kindergarten Post!  And once again, when editing pictures for this post, I am amazed at just how much we do in a week.  I wonder if the ‘staches go home on Friday and collapse like Mr. Greg does?  Seriously, my legs and feet hurt so bad by Friday…
This week we wrote our first class book!  “Hands can…” and I was so impressed with their ideas and illustrations! 
Some of our sentences:”Hands can juggle.”  “Hands can dribble.”  “Hands can read a map.”  “Hands can fix cars.”
I can’t wait to see their writing develop and grow!  


We learned /m/ and m this week so of course, we had to make M from marshmallows!


And marshmallows meas, Marshmallow Toes!!!  You should hear how quiet we are in the hallways.  And yes, we earned a golden ticket every day.  That’s right, we’re the best.


When we had a bit of a rough day, Miss Swamp paid a visit.  They definitely don’t want Miss Swamp to return!  But they did a great job with these super cute Miss Swamp portraits.    I love the various hair styles!!!  


M also means “If You Give A Moose A Muffin” and mooses?  moose?  meeses?  
Please note the moose with an identity crisis.  Bottom left.  He thinks he is a koala!
This week was also a lot of numbers and counting fun!
We played Muffin BUMP!  This was a fun and easy way to assess where we stand with numbers and letters.  
click the picture to get you free Muffin BUMP game!
We made number posters for 1-5 as our math closure.  (sorry didn’t get pics of all 5).  Again I was so impressed with their ability and creativity.  We drew houses, Ninja Turtles, Mr. Greg’s (yes, people, THREE MR. GREGS!  Can you handle such glittery awesomeness?!  The world just isn’t prepared…it would be like Greg-Mageddon!), and jelly beans!  
We also made flashcards to take home to practice numbers!  This was another great assessment piece!  I observed them as they worked to see who could find the number and ten frame we were working on.  My ‘staches rock.  That’s all.
Click the picture to see the blog post for the free ten frames and  numbers for the flashcards!


Our Friday assessment was Q-Tip counting!  We had tons of fun painting with our Q-Tips!
And of course, no Moose and Muffin week is complete without MUFFINS!  We mixed the mix, we baked the muffins and we fed a kindergartner a muffin.  If you give a kindergartner a muffin…they will think you’re the best teacher ever.  True story.  They said so.


We also added our names to our word wall and spent some time learning what we use the word wall for!  So happy to see some words on the word wall!!  


And you know that every week in the land of the mustache must have a silly hat!  
I MUSTACHE you who the best K team is!  Yep, the team that mustaches together rocks!  
Finally…I offered this to my newsletter subscribers but it’s for everyone now!  


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