A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin’ Sunday: December 1st, 2013

Well, it’s that time again!  The Thanksgiving break is over and it’s time to plan another mind blowing week for my little ‘staches!  Who’s super excited to go back to school?!  I’m looking forward to it because our guinea pig, Mister Mustache is making his first appearance at school so the ‘staches will be super excited!  AND our fox is arriving via special delivery from the North Pole so he can keep an eye on our behavior!  (No elf for us!)  So it’s sure to be a wild return to the land of mustaches this week!

Feel free to download my weekly lesson plans!  All Common Core aligned of course!
We kick off our week with one of my favorite books: Moosletoe!  After reading the story we will discuss the vocabulary in the story.  We will use our new “sparkling words” chart to learn our new words!  (Blog post on this chart coming this week!).
This week we will be learning the /th/ sound so we will make our circle map of /th/ words.  And Mr. Greg will once again put his amazing art skills to use.
And of course, we must make a hat.  So this week is a THunderstorm hat!
If you are in need of a picture sort for the /th/ sound, click HERE for a freebie!
Click on my thunderstorm face to download your free thunderstorm hat!
Writing today will be word study.  This will be the first week that our word study is differentiated!  Each group will get their color coded word study and cut it apart and sort.  Then they will work in centers.
Math is all about subtraction!  Today we will introduce subtraction as taking away.  We will do a lot of modeling using the students. Lots of modeling.  Did I mention lots of modeling?!  And then we will work in centers while I work with students one on one for extra help with numbers and counting!
Today we will re-read Moosletoe and complete a story map to help with comprehension.
We will review our /th/ words circle map.  Today we will label our words and count the syllables.
In writing, we will complete a predictable chart for the “12 Days Of December!”  Each student will complete the sentence frame:  On the ____ day of December, my teacher gave to me _________.”
We will also work on word study.  Groups will work on their sorts and I will pull each group to do their sort with them.
In math, we continue learning about subtraction.  Today we will read Five Little Monkeys and discuss what subtraction means.
After reading, we will do a super cute activity that I found at Mrs. Ricca’s Kinergarten!
We will use our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom velcro tree to practice taking away!
We will use monkeys (free from Mrs. Ricca!) to solve subtraction problems.  I will place 5 monkeys on the tree.  I will have a ‘stache remove some of the monkeys.  We will write the subtraction problem on the board.  After we have practiced with monkeys, we will complete our own monkey subtraction!  Each child will get to choose 3-5 monkeys and color them.  They will glue some monkeys on the tree and some on the ground.  Finally, they write the subtraction problem!  BAM!  Thanks’ Mrs. Ricca for this awesome lesson and the freebies!
We will end our day with a super fun Moosletoe craftivity!
Click the picture to get your freebie!
Today we read one of my students favorite books!  Aliens Love Underpants!!!  Who doesn’t love a story about aliens and underwear?!  I mean, seriously!?
After reading we will complete a flow map to re-tell the story.
We will work on blending our CVC words!
In writing, we will publish our 12 Days of December writing.
In math, more subtraction practice.  Today’s mini-lesson will be finger subtraction.  We will practice whole group and then each ‘stache will get a turn on their own.  I will say hold up 4 fingers.  Subtract 2.  4-2=?  After the mini-lesson, I will pull students who are struggling to give some small group practice while the rest of the staches work in math tubs!
We will end our day with…of course…a craftivity….
How about an alien in a Santa hat, a tacky Christmas sweater AND underwear?!
click the picture for your free download!
Today we will read There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a bell.  We will create a flow map to re-tell the story.
We will practice blending our CVC words.  In writing we will complete a predictable chart:  “If I were a present, I would be a….!”
In math, we will work in small groups to practice subtraction!  We will use our monster subtraction mats!  The students will place a certain number of counters in the box.  Then we will subtract a certain number into the monsters mouth.  We will count how many are left!
Click to get your free monster work mat!
And finally, we will start on a poinsettia craftivity!
This is available in my Holly Jolly Christmas Unit!
Today we will read If You Take A Mouse To The Movies and the staches will create a flow map to re-tell the story.
We will review the /th/ sound and practice blending CVC words!
Word study will be to sort the pictures and then choose 5 pictures and write the words in our word study notebook!
Math will be a subtraction assessment.
And then it’s time for MAD SCIENCE FRIDAY!
For Mad Science Friday we will make a candy cane dissolve using water and vinegar!  I found this cool idea on a blog called Gift Of Curiosity!
Click to download instructions and chart labels for candy cane science!
And Friday means Foodie Fun Friday!
How about a poinsettia snack?!  I found this on Pinterest!  How cute?! And easy!  It’s a tortilla chip poinsettia!  Now…let’s hope I can find red and green tortilla chips!  hehe
And that’s our week!
Our centers and activities this week come from these common core creations:
Did you know that Cyber Monday and Tuesday mean a HUGE sale on TPT?!  True story.  My entire store will be on sale for 20% off!!  Plus, use the code CYBER to get another 8% off from TPT!  Get ready!  Load those carts.  Mine is way too full already!  And don’t forget to use the code CYBER!
And just in time for the big sale, how about a chance to win a $25 TPT gift certificate courtesy of ME and the mister?!
click the picture to head over to the Rafflecopter and enter!!!  HURRY!!!  11 hours left!
This is happening!  It’s going to be so much fun.  There are some great great people coming and some awesome prizes to give away!  If you’re coming or think you might come, please sign up so we can make plans!
The winner of my WOOF WOOF QR CODES MEGA PACK is:
Leigh Ann!  You have mail!!
Thanks for entering!  Stay tuned for another give away!

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