
Happy Monday!  I am happily blogging away on my new computer, The MacStache!  Can I just say I am loving this thing?!  Especially the 27″ high definition monitor!  OMG!  Mr. Greg is a happy boy!

I am also multi-tasking!  I am blogging…printing a craftivity and making CDs for my presentation tomorrow!  I am doing the professional learning sessions for all grades at my school tomorrow on how I use centers in my class!  Hello nervous!

Today I want to share a simple activity for your morning meeting that gets the students up and moving and helps them build their sentence skills…and punctuation skills!

How about a little sentence scramble?!?

This is a low prep, no cost activity that can be used over and over again.  It can be differentiated and you can make it more and more challenging as the year goes on.

You need some index cards.  Of course mine are neon because I like bright colors.  Bright colors match my bright sparkly personality!
On the index cards you write the words to a sentence.  The sentence can be as simple or complex as your class needs. I included the punctuation as a separate card.  I included all types of end punctuation as a review.

I hand out the cards and the students stand up.  The words to the sentence are mixed up.  We quickly read the words and start trying to put the sentence in order.
Once the words are in the correct order, we read the sentence.  We also discuss the end punctuation  and re-read the sentence with correct expression.

Today we did 4 sentences and it took about 4-5 minutes of our morning meeting.  That’s a quick, effective and easy review of sentences.
Now, please notice the facial expressions of my four ‘staches in the last picture.  From left to right:
Enthusiastic.  Bored and over it.  Two more who are just enjoying themselves.   And finally, she is THRILLED with this activity!
And now, how about a give away!?!  OK, how about TWO give aways?!
Here are my latest common core creations!  I would love to give one of each away to 2 people!  

To enter, just leave a comment (with your email address) and share a simple do-it-yourself idea for a math center!
I’ll choose a winner tomorrow!

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