A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Schedulin Sunday: April 27th, 2014

Happy Schedulin’ Sunday!  I hope you’ve enjoyed your weekend!  My parentals were here this weekend for a big of an impromptu visit.  Well…more like a working visit.  You see, what had happened was….I decided I need a stage.  I mean, I’m Mr. Greg, shouldn’t I have a stage?!  OK…a stage for our new Promothean Board.  My friend Holly at Mrs. Ehle’s Kindergarten Connections sent me a picture of her stage.  Well, I just had to have it.  So, I sent it to my daddy and asked him to build it.  He decided to come to the world headquarters and build it here so it would be easy to move to my classroom and stuff.  And we all know power tools and Mr. Greg=ER trip…so parentals were here this weekend and this is what dad and I built…

Seriously…this is epic.  So many uses…and…the top is hinged so it opens so I can hide from the ‘staches store things in it!   I seriously can’t wait to use this Monday.  This summer it will be painted and a mustache added of course!
And now…Schedulin’ Sunday!

This week kicks off our very first Project Based Learning adventure!  We are kicking off this project with a zoo field trip on Thursday.  The trip was scheduled for Tuesday but due to the forecast of severe weather today through Tuesday, we rescheduled.  (Severe weather=tornadoes…and experts here are actually saying to take your ID, wear your shoes and a HELMET if a warning is issued…that’s pretty scary stuff to hear before a tornado outbreak is expected…just saying…)  So this week is all about zoo animals and PBL!  (Don’t worry I plan to document the entire PBL process right here on the blog!  Stay tuned…)
As always, you can download a copy of my plans for the week!  And if you’re interested in the template, it’s available at A TEACHER’S PLAN!  It’s called The Greg!
Here are the books we will be reading this week:
click the books to check them out on Amazon!
Our focus Monday-Wednedsay will be on animal types:  mammals, birds and reptiles.  Monday we will identify animals for each category. Tuesday we will do some research on each type and create thinking maps for each type of animal.  This will give us a good knowledge base for our trip to the zoo on Thursday.
During our trip to the zoo, we will have a Zoo passport!  We will check off each animal that we see.  This is a vital part of our PBL.  Once we return from the trip, we will discuss what we saw and what we did not see.  We will then have a special greeting form a zookeeper asking for our help.  This short video will basically be the zookeeper saying they saw us at the zoo and need our help to choose a new animal for the zoo and design an exhibit for the animal.  This kicks off our project.  We will then vote on the new animal.  This vote will determine our project.  We will then research the animal and become experts on the animal.  
We will also be learning -ar words using Pirate Mark from Babbling Abby.   We will read a Pirate Mark story, hunt for -ar words, read -ar words, make a pirate and write -ar words!  This is a seriously fun way to learn -ar words so you definitely need to check it out!
We will move onto unit 4 in Writing Through The Year which is wiring for a reason or persuasive writing!
We will also read a zookeeper emergent reader and a zoo poem.  You can download One, Two, Zoo free by clicking the picture.  I did not write the poem and do not know who wrote it.  If you wrote, please let me know so I can give you a big shoutout!  I just made a cute copy for my class!  
Click for a freebie!
In math, we will be working on subtraction fluency and word problems for addition and subtraction!
Each day we will use animal crackers (hello, zoo…animals…animal crackers…) to write our own word problems/story problems for addition and subtraction.  After we write our word problems we will solve them!  Stay tuned…I plan to share the problems we write!
And of course, since Pirate Mark is visiting, we will be doing all kinds of pirate math centers!
And how about an animal cracker math freebie??  Just click the picture to snag yours!
Our alphabet countdown to the end of the year continues…this week we celebrate:
 W-WESTERN DAY!  Dress like a cowboy!  We’re also making a cowboy boot collage.  I am giving the ‘staches a boot cutout and art materials and letting them go wild!
V-VIOLET!  Dress in purple.  And giving them purple art supplies and letting them create!
U-Umbrella!  Make an umbrella collage
T-Thank you notes!  Write thank you notes to people who have helped us!
S-Sunglasses!  Wearing our shades!  I might or might not have ordered mustache sunglasses for the class…just saying!
This week’s science experiment will blow you away….no really….it’s Mentos and soda time!  We’re going to predict which soda will make the biggest explosions and then test our hypothesis!  We will use regular Coca Cola, Diet Coca Cola, Sprite, Big Red (the soda, not the gum…Google it…), and Root Beer!   We will test our hypothesis by document how much liquid comes out of the bottles!  
And guess what?!?!  You get a freebie!
Click here for your recording sheet and labels for an anchor chart!
And for fun, we will do a taste test to see which we like better!
Foodie Fun Friday?  Animals On Parade!  Animal crackers and cream cheese on celery!
All of our centers and other activities for the week will be pulled from these creations:
And now… I am honored to get to reveal one of Schoolgirl Style’s NEW classroom decorating sets!  Are you ready???
SUPERHEROES!  HOW STINKIN’ AWESOME!  If it weren’t for my love of the mustache, I would totally be using this theme next year.  I love the bright colors in this pack!  And seriously, superheroes are so popular right now!  This theme will make boys and girls happy and will bring some serious color and fun to any classroom.  You know…I really want this….but I can’t abandon my mustaches!

Melanie has 16 beautiful new sets out this year!  Be sure to visit her shop and blog and check out out all of the sets!  

So,  who wants to win THE FULL SUPERHERO COLLECTION????????
 One person will win fadeless paper, two rolls of bordette, 6 pons, daisiesm lanterns of your choice!
To enter, just use the Rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway//widget.rafflecopter.com/load.js

And don’t forget to head over to The Primary Chalkboard to enter to win a one year subscription to the hottest, best, most fun brain break website out there!  GONOODLE!  Just click on my muscles to head over and enter!

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