A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Saturday Kindergarten Post May 25th 2014

Well, here it is.  The next to last Saturday Kindergarten Post for this school year!  We have 3.5 days next week.  After this week’s insanity, I’m a little nervous about keeping it together next week….Glitter help!
We did a lot of testing this week.  We rocked our tests.  We did a lot of programs and assemblies.  Mr. Greg went home sick one day (hey kids, keep your germs to yourelf!).  And all sorts of other madness ensued.   But here’s a little peek into what we did do this week…

Who doesn’t love a doughnut for breakfast?!

Yes.  Flyswatter painting.  It was F for flyswatters.  You know how much I love messy art projects and this one is ….messy.    I even sent a note home warning parents we would be messy.  And we were.  But man, we had a blast swatting that paint on the papers.  I gave them flyswatters and 4 things of paint and said:  SWAT AWAY!  
And check out the masterpieces!

See…messy.  He had it in his hair…and somehow managed to get it on his back!!!  This means it was an epic success!  Messy=success!

And for our final Foodie Fun Friday, we made a Twinkie Submarine!  I saw this on Pinterest and just had to do it!!!  It was super easy and the staches had a blast!  I was super impressed with their knowledge of a sub!  They immediately knew that the fruit loops were the windows that you looked out of.  They knew the periscope was how you saw above the water.   They’re all little geniuses!
All you need is white frosting, blue frosting, fruit loops, bendy straws and Twinkies.  Use the white frosting to glue on the windows.  Then add blue icing (water) under the windows.  Stick in a bendy straw for the periscope!  
And no, you cannot suck the cream out of a Twinkie.  Despite our valiant efforts, we just couldn’t do it!
And how was your week?!
Thanks to all who entered my first giveaway for my 2 year blog-iversary celebration!  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog because I have another epic give away planned.  I have several more things to give way…all of them are epic.  You don’t wanna miss out!  
A HUGE thank you to GoNoodle for this awesome prize.  If you’re not GoNoodling in your class, you have to check it out!  Your class will love the short brain breaks!  
The winner of the 1 year premium upgrade to GoNoodle.com is:   fromshawithlove

I will be sending you an email soon!  

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