A Kindergarten Smorgasboard Monday Made It: Classroom Banners


Happy Monday Made It!  And the week before I Tach K in Vegas!!!  I am so crazy excited about Vegas.  We have tickets to Celine.  We’re heading to the Grand Canyon and then it’s a week of teacher heaven with all of my friends!!!!  I am so excited to meet everyone but holy crap I’m nervous and scared about presenting.  YIKES!  What if people don’t like me?!?!  OMG.  Too much pressure.  Where’s my glitter?!
OK…enough of melting down…here’s my Monday Made It!  It’s simple but important!  No classroom is complete without banners!  So I made three banners for my rainbow mustache classroom!



This banner will hang above my guided reading table!


This banner will hang outside the classroom welcoming everyone to the land of rainbows, mustaches and glitter!


This banner will hang above our mustache rainbow word wall!
These were all made using the template included in my EDITABLE Rainbow Mustache Theme Classroom Decor creation!
Be sure to head over to 4th Grade Frolics and link up and check out all of the awesome Monday Made It ideas!
And now a huge announcement!!!!
Who’s coming to Vegas next week???
Well, if you’re there make sure to visit the Creative Teaching Press booth (Booth 112) Tuesday and Wednesday.  I’ll be hanging out in their photo booth those days!  Come say hi and snap a picture with me!
And…I have 15 #smittenwithsmorgie exclusive CTP mustache gift bags to give away.  I’ll be handing those out all week!!!    Make sure you find me all week!


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